Volunteers and tricolours will help with fight against drugs

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To Perm considerably grew number of images of the Russian flag or the coat of arms Perm Territory. There were they with an ulterior motive. On their place numbers according to which anyone, including the child, can come to bookmarks with drugs still were the day before written down. The action on their destruction was organized by volunteers. Waited for everyone. What turned out?

Unclear to the inhabitant Latin letters and figures which we often see on fences or facades of buildings, are advertizing of online stores through which trade in the forbidden psychoactive agents. Volunteers such announcements paint over

On a place of dangerous announcements children leave to

a tricolor or the coat of arms Perm Territory.

teenagers become

statistically, most often clients of such announcements. Most of all inscriptions volunteers find near schools. And to youth suggest not only to buy the forbidden substances, but also to become distributors.

Mikhail Bazhenov, the curator of the Life Paints project to Perm:" Ya itself I live in not the most safe area, such advertizing is present, including on my house. The domination of these graffiti at some instant led to creation of group of adherents, we decided them to paint over independently".

A then children won

paint over the youth projects, the organized Federal Agency for Youth Affairs. On means from the got grant bought paint, respirators and a uniform. Now with each action to crew "red jackets" it is added more and more volunteers. Here and today ranks were joined by two girls.

can Become part of movement everyone. The simplest - to photograph online store advertizing where trade in drugs, and to load pictures into group social network "VKontakte", having put a geo-tag.

Only for half a year of existence of an action to Perm the quantity of the painted-over negative inscriptions is estimated already in hundreds, here and today's action which took place in Krokhalevo's residential district, relieved this place of one hundred bad announcements.

Kostareva Maria