Prosecutor's office on Sakhalin Region will check observance of the rights of indigenous people in the sphere of a turn of VBR

@Sahalin i Kurily
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Prosecutor's office Sakhalin region during August 20-30 will carry out a thematic reception of citizens, representatives of public organizations concerning observance of the rights of the indigenous small people of the North in the sphere of a turn of the water biological resources (WBR).

Receptions will take place:

- Prosecutor's office Sakhalin region (st. of Chekhov, 28);

- Sakhalin region mezhrayonnaya prosecutor's office of nature conservation (Sakhalinskaya St., 36-A);

- prosecutor's office Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk (st. of Chekhov, 28);

- The Aleksandrovsk city prosecutor's office of the Sakhalin area (Alexandrovsk-Sakhalinsky, Dzerzhinsky St., 27);

- Prosecutor's office Nogliki district Sakhalin region (pgt. Nogliki, Sovetskaya St., 2);

- Okha district Gorodskoe prosecutor's office Sakhalin region (Okha. Karl Marx St., 27);

- Poronaysk district Gorodskoye prosecutor's office Sakhalin region (Poronaysk, Komsomolskaya St., 11);

- Prosecutor's office Smirnykh district Sakhalin region (pgt. Quiet, st. of Gorky, 6);

- Prosecutor's office Tymovskoe district Sakhalin region (pgt. Tymovskoye, Kirovskaya St., 97).

B to prosecutor's office areas in working hours reception the senior assistant prosecutor of area on consideration of letters and a reception of citizens Sadovnikova Marina , in the days off – the duty prosecutor of prosecutor's offices will carry out from 9:00 till 18:00 areas.

on August 20 from 14:00 till 16:00 areas will take part in thematic reception Kabakov Aleksey and the head of department of the indigenous small people of the North of Government of Sakhalin region Mizinin Nicholas the acting head of department on supervision of performance of laws, observance of the rights and freedoms of citizens of prosecutor's offices;

on August 27 from 14:00 till 16:00 - the deputy head of department – the head of department of supervision of legality of legal acts Akimova Irina and the head of department of the indigenous small people of the North of Government of Sakhalin region Mizinin Nicholas .

In the location of city, regional prosecutor's offices and Sakhalin region mezhrayonnaya prosecutor's office of nature conservation reception will be carried out by prosecutors if necessary with participation of supervisory authorities.