Poronaysk Sakhalin region, Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreIt would be possible to construct the LNG low-tonnage plants to provide remote villages and the cities with this energy. We plan in Poronaysk plant construction to 100 tons per yearIt would be possible to construct the LNG low-tonnage plants to provide remote villages and the cities with this energy. We plan in Poronaysk plant construction to 100 tons per year8/19/2020Valery LimarenkoThe NOC company plans to construct gas station in four regions of area. Now the object is built in Poronaysk. In 2023 – in Holmsk, Ilyinsk and Uglegorsk. In the Poronaysky area we hope until the end of the year10/14/2022Valery LimarenkoIt would be possible to construct the LNG low-tonnage plants to provide remote villages and the cities with this energy. We plan in Poronaysk plant construction to 100 tons per yearIt would be possible to construct the LNG low-tonnage plants to provide remote villages and the cities with this energy. We plan in Poronaysk plant construction to 100 tons per year8/19/2020Valery LimarenkoThe NOC company plans to construct gas station in four regions of area. Now the object is built in Poronaysk. In 2023 – in Holmsk, Ilyinsk and Uglegorsk. In the Poronaysky area we hope until the end of the year10/14/2022Valery LimarenkoIt would be possible to construct the LNG low-tonnage plants to provide remote villages and the cities with this energy. We plan in Poronaysk plant construction to 100 tons per yearIt would be possible to construct the LNG low-tonnage plants to provide remote villages and the cities with this energy. We plan in Poronaysk plant construction to 100 tons per year8/19/2020Valery Limarenko12216Region News+56 last weekMayor since 2022Anton Ivanovich Karpukov0Media ScoreMayor since 2022Anton Ivanovich Karpukov155years oldDate of establishmentJanuary 1, 186910:20:32 AMGMT+1165RUS+742431Dialing code208Connections+104 last weekPopulation15 388NewsConnections Tree
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