Alexandrovsk-Sakhalinsky Sakhalin region, Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreIn Aleksandrovsk-Sakhalin during revelry of elements two persons were lost. This great grief. Task of the regional authorities in the shortest terms to give to families of victims full support. It concerns not only the financial helpIn Aleksandrovsk-Sakhalin during revelry of elements two persons were lost. This great grief. Task of the regional authorities in the shortest terms to give to families of victims full support. It concerns not only the financial help10/18/2021Valery LimarenkoWe received tragic news. In a zone of special military operation the staff sergeant Yuryev Igor and the private Romanov Dmitry from Aleksandrovsk-Sakhalin] were los12/1/2023Valery LimarenkoCancelled flights to Aleksandrovsk-Sakhalin, Shakhtersk and Southern Kurilsk. Flight to Moscow] is latCancelled flights to Aleksandrovsk-Sakhalin, Shakhtersk and Southern Kurilsk. Flight to Moscow] is lat12/13/2021Valery LimarenkoIn Aleksandrovsk-Sakhalin during revelry of elements two persons were lost. This great grief. Task of the regional authorities in the shortest terms to give to families of victims full support. It concerns not only the financial helpIn Aleksandrovsk-Sakhalin during revelry of elements two persons were lost. This great grief. Task of the regional authorities in the shortest terms to give to families of victims full support. It concerns not only the financial help10/18/2021Valery LimarenkoWe received tragic news. In a zone of special military operation the staff sergeant Yuryev Igor and the private Romanov Dmitry from Aleksandrovsk-Sakhalin] were los12/1/2023Valery LimarenkoCancelled flights to Aleksandrovsk-Sakhalin, Shakhtersk and Southern Kurilsk. Flight to Moscow] is latCancelled flights to Aleksandrovsk-Sakhalin, Shakhtersk and Southern Kurilsk. Flight to Moscow] is lat12/13/2021Valery LimarenkoIn Aleksandrovsk-Sakhalin during revelry of elements two persons were lost. This great grief. Task of the regional authorities in the shortest terms to give to families of victims full support. It concerns not only the financial helpIn Aleksandrovsk-Sakhalin during revelry of elements two persons were lost. This great grief. Task of the regional authorities in the shortest terms to give to families of victims full support. It concerns not only the financial help10/18/2021Valery Limarenko123108Region News+17 last week0Media Score100years oldDate of establishmentJanuary 1, 192511:41:09 AMGMT+1165RUS+742434Dialing code135Connections+57 last weekPopulation10 887NewsConnections Tree
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Far Eastern Federal District15 февраля в 1946 году на Сахалине была изъята из обращения последняя японская иенаSakhalinMedia.ru2/15/2025PeopleCompaniesGeographyMediaProducts4.5 minFar Eastern Federal DistrictПассажиры поучаствовали в «сердечной» акции аэровокзала Южно-СахалинскаSakhalin and Kuriles2/14/2025CompaniesGeography1.6 minFar Eastern Federal DistrictМаршрут выходного дня: Южно-Сахалинск и его окрестностиSakhalin and Kuriles2/14/2025PeopleCompaniesGeography3.6 minHousing and Utility SectorШесть населенных пунктов в Сахалинской области останутся без электричества 13 февраляSakhalin and Kuriles2/12/2025CompaniesGeography28 secOtherОблачно и местами снег: какой будет погода в районах Сахалинской области 13 февраляASTV - Alternative Sakhalin television2/12/2025Geography3.6 minOtherНа Сахалине гонки с препятствиями открыли новый сезонASTV - Alternative Sakhalin television2/12/2025PeopleCompaniesGeography34 sec
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Far Eastern Federal DistrictВ ходе ликвидации последствий циклона вывезли 150 тысяч кубометров снега с дорог СахалинаSakhalin and Kuriles2/11/2025PeopleCompaniesGeography1.4 minLawНа Сахалине морпорты «Агнево» задолжали миллион пени за просрочку ремонтаSakhalin and Kuriles2/11/2025PeopleCompaniesGeographyLaws2 minFar Eastern Federal DistrictУчасток федеральной трассы открыли для автобусов на СахалинеASTV - Alternative Sakhalin television2/10/2025CompaniesGeography16 secSocial policyБольше века назад началась новая эпоха в административном делении страныMK.RU Karelia2/9/2025Geography1 minFar Eastern Federal DistrictСахалинские энергетики предупредили о плановых отключениях света на 10 февраляASTV - Alternative Sakhalin television2/9/2025CompaniesGeography2.6 minEcologyСнежно, пасмурно, местами ветрено: погода в Сахалинской области 9 февраляASTV - Alternative Sakhalin television2/8/2025Geography3.4 min