9 years "strogacha" for wild-growing hemp

@Gorod Kirov
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Uni district district court Kirov region the Inhabitant of the village Mukhachi considered criminal case concerning the 29-year-old inhabitant Bogorodsk district

broke bushes of wild-growing hemp. Also stored it at itself. On time expiration this drug received of a plant, it sold to the acquaintance, but was detained by police officers.

the Press service of Prosecutor's offices across Kirov Region:

- Court agreed with opinion of the state accuser on validity of fault condemned, found him guilty and appointed on set of deeds final punishment in the form of 9 years of imprisonment. Will serve sentence condemned in a colony of a high security.

of 9 years "strogacha" for wild-growing hemp

Uni district district court Kirov region the Inhabitant of the village Mukhachi considered criminal case concerning the 29-year-old inhabitant Bogorodskoye district

broke bushes of wild-growing hemp. Also stored it at itself. On time expiration this drug received of a plant, it sold to the acquaintance, but was detained by police officers.

the Press service of Prosecutor's offices across Kirov Region:

- Court agreed with opinion of the state accuser on validity of fault condemned, found him guilty and appointed on set of deeds final punishment in the form of 9 years of imprisonment. Will serve sentence condemned in a colony of a high security.