Bogorodsk district Country: Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreWe will remember Nikolay Alekseevich Levin as person of not indifferent Bogorodskoye of the area actively participating in developmentWe will remember Nikolay Alekseevich Levin as person of not indifferent Bogorodskoye of the area actively participating in development4/9/2021Gleb NikitinFor them points of temporary stay in six municipalities - Nizhny Novgorod, Bohr, Bogorodsky, Kstovsky and Pavlovsk areas are developed. We in process of receipt of data on arrival of new trains will develop new points2/22/2022Gleb NikitinWe will remember Nikolay Alekseevich Levin as person of not indifferent Bogorodskoye of the area actively participating in developmentWe will remember Nikolay Alekseevich Levin as person of not indifferent Bogorodskoye of the area actively participating in development4/9/2021Gleb NikitinFor them points of temporary stay in six municipalities - Nizhny Novgorod, Bohr, Bogorodsky, Kstovsky and Pavlovsk areas are developed. We in process of receipt of data on arrival of new trains will develop new points2/22/2022Gleb NikitinWe will remember Nikolay Alekseevich Levin as person of not indifferent Bogorodskoye of the area actively participating in developmentWe will remember Nikolay Alekseevich Levin as person of not indifferent Bogorodskoye of the area actively participating in development4/9/2021Gleb Nikitin1217Region News+5 last weekAlexander Alekseevich Sochnev0Media ScoreAlexander Alekseevich Sochnev12:37:57 PMGMT+352RUS+783170Dialing code67Connections+10 last weekPopulation70 549NewsConnections Tree
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