Create the commission on ethics and discuss behavior of the vice speaker of NANOSECOND: requirement
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Create the commission on ethics and discuss behavior of the vice speaker of NANOSECOND: requirement

"We demand from National assembly of RA to create in accordance with the established procedure the temporary commission on ethics and to discuss behavior of the vice speaker of National assembly of RA", - is told in the announcement distributed by a number of human rights and public organizations.

In the statement also is told: "on July 17, 2018, at meeting of the commission of the parliamentary fractions created for implementation of reforms of the Electoral code, the vice speaker of National assembly of RA to Ovannisyan Arpine told about the secretary of the commission on reforms the Electoral code at the prime minister of RA Ioannisyan Daniel: "What to us to discuss with this mentally retarded? " These words were addressed to deputies of NANOSECOND of RA Rustamyan Armen, to Simonyan Alain and to the former Minister of Justice of RA Davide Edonisovich Arutyunyan.

the Insult Ioannisyan Daniel the high-ranking government official of RA by attributing to it intellectual disability – no other than discrimination on the basis of estimated disability, a justification and deepening of existing discrimination which continue to do them vulnerable.

Armenia in 2010 ratified the Convention of United Nations about the rights of persons with disability within which assumed the obligation to provide protection of the rights of persons with disability and respect of their advantage, including their participation in public and political life, decision-making.

Causes concern also a response explanation to Ovannisyan Arpine in connection with her statements to which it avoids the fact of abusiveness of her words for persons with disability and apologizes only for the personified character of her words.

Including unacceptable the discrimination attitude towards persons with intellectual problems and speculation in intellectual problems, we demand from National assembly to create in accordance with the established procedure the temporary commission on ethics and to discuss behavior of the vice speaker of National assembly of RA.

the Coalition of applied legal reforms

joined the announcement the following human rights organizations:

of NPO Center of protection of the rights of women with disability "Agate"
Vanadzorsky office of the Helsinki civil assembly
of NPO Disability and Applied <11> development " (being NPO Disebiliti info)

of NPO Vo imya ravnykh prav
Human rights NPO Center of Legal Initiatives
of NGO "The real world, real people"

development NPO Center <11> female potential"

of NPO Obshchestvo bez nasiliya
of NPO Obshchestvennaya information i potrebnost v znaniyakh
"Crisis center of sexual violence" of

Human rights NPO Spitak Helsinki Group
of NPO Polnotsennaya zhizn
of NPO Center <11> of development it is right"

Humanitarian NPO Novoye pokoleniye
of NPO My mozhem
of NGO of persons with disability "The equal rights, equal opportunities"

"Female resource center" of

of NPO Center of Support of Women
Melkonyan Arev, the individual, member Koalitsii of applied legal reforms

of NPO Golos tishiny
Kazaryan Armine, individual, member Koalitsii of applied legal reforms

of NPO Skarp".