Naadym-2018: Celebration of leaders of animal husbandry. Results of competitions and competitions

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Naadym-2018: Celebration of leaders of animal husbandry. Results of competitions and competitions

the Winner of republican tournament on national fight huresh, devoted to a holiday of cattle breeders of Naadym-2018, became the 30-year-old fighter, Nachyn can (Falcon) Otchurchap Aydyn who overcame "Elephant" in the final (Chaan can) Kar Eres Mikhaylovich - Fat and Arzylan won a rank can (Lev). The winner awarded with the Ural resident-220 mini-tractor. In total 230 strongest fighters participated in tournament Tyva Republic. 8CMdaRAntBA.jpg

Here at a big congestion of the audience celebrated leaders of animal husbandry – champions of Naadyma-2018. To each of them presented a necessary motor scooter worth 150 thousand rubles in chabansky economy. Let's remind, in former years champions were given yurtas to 100 thousand rubles for everyone. But then

Among them Anarat Afanasy Kuzhugetovich , the sheep breeder of the State unitary enterprise "Bai Tala" of page Tal Bay Tal Bay - Tayginsky kozhuuna; Mongush Chechek - ool Joint stock company-oolovich, the sheep breeder of Agricultural consumer cooperative "Ochur" of page Shekpeer Barun-Hemchikskogo kozhuuna;

Ondar Alexander , head (sheep breeder) of the Country farm of page of Chadan Dzun-Hemchiksky kozhuuna; Irgit Taybyn - ool Nikolaevich, the sheep breeder STATE UNITARY ENTERPRISE PT "MALCHYN" page of Mugur-Aksa Mongun-Tayginskogo kozhuuna; Dorzhukay Kar Eres Mikhaylovich , champion of Naadyma-2018, head (sheep breeder) of the Country farm of page Dus-Dag Owuerskogo kozhuuna; Kuular Aziyana Hunayevna, head (sheep breeder) of the Country farm of page Aldan Maadyr Sut-Holsky economy;

mFDjQaYobH8.jpg of Bandanas Irina Ivanovna, head (sheep breeder) of Personal subsidiary farm of the village Balyktyg Tere-Holsky kozhuuna; Baraan Roman Mikhaylovich , reindeer breeder of Agricultural consumer cooperative "Shulun" of Todzhinsky kozhuuna; Sarym-ool Arkady Maspyk-oolovich, sheep breeder of Agricultural consumer cooperative "Chylgychy" of page Chaa-Hol Chaa-Holskogo kozhuuna; Kunchun Buyan Belek-oolovich, the sheep breeder of Agricultural consumer cooperative "Bai-Hol" of page Tal Bay - Dag Ersinskogo kozhuuna; Oorzhak Zoe , head (sheep breeder) of the Country farm of page of Sug-Bazhy Kaa-Hemsky kozhuuna; Chalbak Choduraa Viktorovna , head (sheep breeder) of the Country farm of page Mezhegey Tandinskogo kozhuuna; Soyan Sain , sheep breeder of SPOK "Beldir" page of Chyrgalanda Tes-Hemsky kozhuuna; Cooder-ool Mar Alexander - oolovich , head (sheep breeder) of the Country farm of the village of Eylig-Hem of Ulug-Hemsky kozhuuna; Chamyyan Aydys , tabunshchik of Agricultural consumer cooperative "Kuzhur-Bazhy" of the village Elegest MUNICIPAL UNITARY ENTERPRISE HOUSING AND COMMUNAL SERVICES; Kuzhuget Natalia , telyatnitsa LLC "Turanskoe" Pia-Hemsky kozhuuna; Mongush Chechek Kan Bagyyr - oolovich, head (tabunshchik) of the Country farm of page. Virgin Kyzyl kozhuuna.

the Champion of Tyva Republic in branch of animal husbandry is defined by

for good results and growth of indicators in animal husbandry branch for the last three years. Participants are estimated by seven key criteria, among them safety of a livestock, receiving and safety of an issue on 100 uterus, preparation of sufficient volume of rough forages and other points.

In the town Tos-Bulak where the yurtochny town was developed, took place competition on the best furniture of a yurta.

of the Special prize "For Active Participation" awarded the shepherd State Unitary Enterprise Bai-Tal Tal Bay - the Tayginsky area Hayazhyk Hertekovich Aldan Maadyr.
the Special prize "For Active Participation" was won by the shepherd Mongun-Tayginsky district Irgit Chingiz Aleksandrovich (the participant Kyshtag for a young family). _FkBAZzaYfc.jpg

the 3rd place - the Head of KFH Kyzylsky district Otchurchap Aydyn Kar Eres Mikhaylovich - oolovich Ondar
the 2nd place - the Head of KFH Erzin district Bimba Arakchaa Duktug-oolovich Shoyzhulchap
1 place - the Head of KFH Dzun-Khemchiksky district Oorzhak Lada

In time huresha, the most important making Naadym, congratulating the people, Chapter Tyva Republic Sholban Kara-ool made the offer:

"For a long time Tuvinians with impatience wait for

to chon ң ndezin bayyrlaly Shagaa-bile! " (with the main holiday of the Tuva people - with Shagaa), "Tyva Republic to chon ң ndezin bayyrlaly Naadym-bile! " (with the main holiday of the Tuva people - with Naadym). What do you think about it, dear fellow countrymen? During Naadym we simply speak each other "With a holiday". It seems to me it is a little abstract, unworthy. Therefore I congratulate you on the main (radical) holiday of the Tuva people with Naadym, fellow countrymen! Wandering on steppes and living in a yurta, our ancestors gave for us this holiday. Let it develop, spread further away. Kuray, chicken! "

of the State awards of Tyva Republic in honor of a holiday of cattle breeders "Naady" awarded five people:

GRATITUDE of CHAPTER of Tyva Republic

Ondar Buyan Shoydayevich (1974 year of birth) – the head of country (farmer) economy of the village Kyzyl-Taiga Sut-Holsky kozhuuna. It is awarded by the Certificate of honor of ADMINISTRATION SUT-HOLSKY KOZHUUNA (2005), the Certificate of honor Ministry Selskoye economy and food Tyva Republic (2011), the Certificate of honor Supreme Khural of the Tyva Republic (parliament) Tyva Republic (2014) . The general length of service – 21 years. Length of service in branch – 17 years. (

"the HONORED CATTLE BREEDER of Tyva Republic"

of Dorzhukay Kar Eres Mikhaylovich (1981 year of birth) – the head of a country farm sumona Dus-Dag Owuerskogo kozhuuna, the shepherd chiliarch. It is awarded by the Certificate of honor of ADMINISTRATION OF MUNICIPAL DISTRICT OVYURSKY KOZHUUN OF THE REPUBLIC OF TYVA (2011), the Certificate of honor Ministry Selskoye economy and food Tyva Republic (2013). It is encouraged with Gratitude of Chapter of Tyva Republic (2015) . The general length of service – 19 years. Length of service in branch – 19 years.

of Mandalas Sholban Kara-ool (1977 year of birth) – the shepherd of agricultural production cooperative breeding economy "Bai-Hol" of Erzinsky kozhuuna. It is awarded by the Certificate of honor Ministry Selskoye economy and food Tyva Republic (2008, 2009), the Certificate of honor of the Chairman of Government of the Tyva Republic (2010), the Certificate of honor Supreme Khural of the Tyva Republic (parliament) of Tyva Republic (2015) . Champion Naadyma-2012. The general length of service – 17 years. Length of service in branch – 17 years. (Decree of Chapter of Tyva Republic of 11.07. 2018 No. 139).

Chamzy Sergek - ool Despiovich (1974 year of birth) – the sheep breeder of the state unitary enterprise of Tyva Republic "Mogen-Buren" of Mongun-Tayginsky kozhuuna. It is awarded by the Certificate of honor Ministry Selskoye economy and food Tyva Republic (2011), the Certificate of honor Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation (2013), the Certificate of honor Supreme Khural of the Tyva Republic (parliament) of Tyva Republic (2013) . In 2017 for high operational performance in branch Chamzy S. D. are appropriated a rank "the Champion of Naadyma-2017". Participant of Siberian and Far East exhibitions breeding sheep and goats (Zabaykalsky Territory, Chita). The general length of service – 24 years. Length of service in branch – 22 years.


Kuular Kan - ool Norbuyevich (1948 year of birth) – the senior shepherd Agricultural production cooperative "Chechek" page. Virgin Kyzyl kozhuuna. It is awarded by the Certificate of honor of administration Kyzyl kozhuuna (1988) the Certificate of honor Ministry for agriculture republics Tyva Republic (1985,1988), a commemorative anniversary medal in commemoration

of the 100 anniversary of a unification of Russian Federation and Tyva Republic and the bases of Kyzyl (2014). The general length of service – 54 years. Length of service in branch – 54 years.