Profession inventor: the doctor of science Sergei Kuznetsov told about the work

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The first serious invention Sergei Kuznetsov is connected with the walking mechanism which later he called rectilinearly bending around. At one of the Soviet plants even produced experimental model of the "walking" children's <"bicycle.6">

Inventors celebrated a professional holiday. To Rostov Region it is impossible to count how many people consider themselves involved in this type of activity as it is possible to call himself the inventor having thought up any technical innovation. But there are such minds which gain official recognition, and their ideas are capable to push the world to development. Donskoy professor Sergei Kuznetsov one of them.

Begins a conversation professor with what tells about the way to science. Does not hide, the inventor wanted to become since the childhood: was fond of cars, assembled mechanisms and even learned to read according to the Yuny Tekhnik magazine.

"Passed my childhood in happy time when the state cared for that any school student had access to any technical knowledge", - the inventor, the Doctor of Engineering, professor of YuRGPU Sergei Kuznetsov.

chose the Field of science difficult - the theory of mechanisms and cars. Came to the Novocherkassk Polytechnic University. Then on distribution worked a mekhnik at knitting factory and the designer at the defense enterprise. "Three years I worked

on production, but the dream of science and of invention did not leave me therefore I all the same aimed at to be engaged", - Sergei Kuznetsov.

the First serious invention Sergei Kuznetsov is connected with the walking mechanism which later he called rectilinearly bending around. At one of the Soviet plants even produced experimental model of the "walking" children's bicycle. But ahead at Sergei Kuznetsov was not one more opening. In the late eighties he received the copyright certificate on this design.

"A sign invention I consider these scissors of the sliding cut which exceed world level somewhere much", - the inventor, the Doctor of Engineering, professor of YuRGPU Sergei Kuznetsov.

Unlike heavy western samples these scissors weigh no more than a kilogram, at the same time them without efforts it is possible to cut iron up to 2,5 millimeters thick precisely. The invention is useful in life and on production.

Now in an industrial co-working "Garage" investigate a design and are going to release batches of goods on the market. Engineers with interest listen to the inventor, for many of them Sergei Kuznetsov - the wise mentor.

"It constantly wants to think out something, to invent something, to find original solutions of different constructive mechanical nodes", - the engineer of an industrial co-working "Garage" Naumov Yvan.

Works Sergei Kuznetsov should noticed. He took out some more patents and high awards. In 2001 he was recognized by the best scientist of Don, in a year awarded an honorary title "The best inventor Rostov Region".

"In what charm of inventive activity? If you invented something, this new - at world level. For me there is no big difference between fundamental and applied science. What I do now - I show applied results of basic researches", - the inventor, the Doctor of Engineering, professor of YuRGPU Sergei Kuznetsov.

Today it continues to explore the amazing world of mechanisms and cars, shares the knowledge with students. And here it is not necessary to doubt: the world will see its next creation soon.