Ambassador of the Adyghe people

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this year the famous public figure, the full member the Adyghe (Circassian) International academy sciences, the member of Public chamber Karachay-Cherkess Republic, the president of Federal national and cultural autonomy of Adyghe Russian Federation, the chairman of the Union of the Circassian (Adyghe) public associations Karachay-Cherkess Republic Alexander Okhtov celebrated the 70-year anniversary. Alexander Okhtov were born br on January 12, 1948 in the aul Beslenya Habez district the Circassian autonomous region. In a large family it was the ninth, the youngest, the child. Parents Alexander Okhtov were very gentle and benevolent people, besides differed in generosity and hospitality. Kind word residents of the aul of the senior generation still remember Dzhamurzu Naibovicha and Kutsu Mussovnu (Mamkhyagov).
children grew In a large family of Okhtov and were brought up in the atmosphere of geniality, love, mutual respect and on all canons adyge khabze. After military service and study at prestigious institute it was waited by successful career of the Soviet worker. However global reforms the Perestroika period introduced the amendments in vital plans of many people including Alexander Okhtov. Having become the successful businessman, Alexander Okhtov were engaged in active work of preserving and development native Circassian language and the Adyghe culture. In student's years he often held meetings of the Adyghe youth in which students of the Moscow higher education institutions from Kabardino-Balkar Republic, Karachay-Cherkess Republic and also Circassians from Syrie and Jordan. The youth had an opportunity to communicate, discuss the problems concerning all. Having returned home, he took the initiative of creation of Council of the creative intellectuals where scientists, writers, linguists, cultural figures who were engaged in the problem resolution of preserving of language, culture and cultural wealth of Adyghe entered. Council was headed by the Doctor of Philology, professor Bekizova Leila. < the help in the edition of books of the Adyghe authors and preparation of telecasts about the Adyghe language and culture became br/> the Important direction of public work Alexander Okhtov, "History of Circassia" Khotko Samira, is translated into the Arab, Turkish and English languages the book Sokolova Alla "The Adyghe harmonic in the context of national culture", many other remarkable books are published.
At a financial support Okhtov A. State TV AND Radio Broadcasting Company "Karachay–Cherkess Republic" prepared the television movie "The Rod against the background of the Sea Blossoms" about life of the Black Sea Adyghe Shapsugs. The movie was highly appreciated by TV viewers.
With its help constructed and equipped with computer equipment and the corresponding educational literature for studying of the Circassian language educational classes at two schools Cherkessk. In funds of republican national library of H. Bayramukova more than one thousand books of the Circassian authors from sister republics Kabardino-Balkar Republic and Republic of Adygea. Among them there are such unique books as a dvadtsatitomnik of the famous Adyghe writer and poet Mashbash Iskhak, nine Caucasian poems Lermontov Mikhail translated to the Circassian language by the poet Ruslan Atskan two hundred fifty collections of fiction and manuals by professor, the full member RAN from Krasnodar Sheudzhen Askhad. The head Karachay-Cherkess Republic supported an initiative Okhtov A. about organization of Day of the Adyghe language and writing in Karachay-Cherkess Republic. Within this day competitions of pupils and teachers of comprehensive schools "Si Bze — Si Pse, Si Dunya" are annually held ("My language - my soul, my world"). Alexander Okhtov know br far outside the republic and our country. In 1996 on the third congress of the International Circassian association passing in Cherkessk, Alexander Okhtov elected the secretary general of MCHA. The performance on order of the president of MCHA Kalmykov Youri at a regional conference of the Organization of the unrepresented nations and people in Tallinn where the question of problems of the small people Eastern Europe in the third millennium was a primary subject became his political debut. Among those who highly appreciated his performance at a conference there was a president of the International Abkhaz-Abazin association, the doctor of jurisprudence, professor Shamba Taras who after the end of an action approached Alexander Okhtov and as a sign of the appreciation shook hands with the speaker.
In half a year, on March 24, 1997, Alexander Okhtov participated in the 53rd session United Nations in Geneva (Switzerland) where problems of the Circassian people were openly discussed. On the fifth congress RUSHING in Nalchik Okhtov A. were elected the representative of the International Circassian association in United Nations. With its participation a number of important recommendations taking into account the experience accumulated by the Adyghe people as to Russian Federation, and in the countries of accommodation of the Adyghe diaspora was developed. < many trips and interesting meetings were br/> In life Alexander Okhtov met to Syrie, near the Golan heights. Alexander Okhtov received invaluable experience of communication Alexander Okhtov.
the Most important issue which Alexander Okhtov could make for the people Alexander Okhtov is perpetuating of memory of the inhabitants of native Besleney who saved children from blockade Saint Petersburg in 1942. He addressed to Legislative Assembly of Saint Petersburg which approved the idea of creation of a monument to besleneevsky mothers in Saint Petersburg. So in the Low-Okhta park Saint Petersburg, near lyceum No. 533, there was a monument to the women who saved little Leningrad residents from inevitable death. By the invitation Alexander Okhtov pupils of the St. Petersburg lyceum visited the aul of Besleney where they got acquainted with the peers-aulchanami and jointly put the avenue of roses before a memorial complex to "Circassian Mother".
the Aul of Besleney visited professor of Tel Aviv University Yair Oron who wanted to get acquainted with history of rescue of the Leningrad children personally. The guest visited a memorial complex to "Circassian Mother", met living witnesses of this event. Upon return to Israel professor Yair Oron wrote the book "Banality of Mercy" about rescue of the Jewish children in the Caucasus in the Muslim Circassian village of Besleney. On the same subject the Israeli journalists shot the documentary.
Today Alexander Okhtov head International council Karachay-Cherkess Republic where seven main Adyghe public organizations Karachay-Cherkess Republic. He does not become isolated on the solution of uzkonatsionalny questions. The sincere feeling of empathy, openness are always felt in his performances on actions of other people Karachay-Cherkess Republic. "Our common problems for all who live in the uniform republic. And it is easier to solve them together", - claims Okhtov A..
Daurov D.,
honored journalist of Karachay-Cherkess Republic.
Alexander Okhtov
Bekizova Leila
Polovinkina T.
Khotko Samira
Sokolova Alla