In Inta celebrated businessmen in a new format

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of the Photo of administration of Inta

Day of the Russian business in Inta for the first time passed became guests of action.


552 individual entrepreneurs and 236 enterprises of small and average business act On the territory of the city district.

Among them – one of the oldest enterprises of the city - a bakery. The director of the enterprise, the deputy State Council Komi Republic Vasilii Nikolaevich Zherditsky the first addressed to colleagues with a congratulation and kind wishes.

About value small businesses for Inta and his social responsibility were told by Inta's mayor Titovets Larissa.

"You, representatives small businesses, provide intinets with various products, necessities, render the household services broadest a range. Are ready to feed the most exacting gourmets, for every taste and a purse to provide a hotel room to city visitors, lifting its prestige and appeal. Businessmen repair, arrange well, clean and move away Inta. Your diligence our municipality became the winner in competition on the best organization of clearing of streets from snow. Low bow to you for everything that you do, - the mayor noted.

the head of intinsky administration addressed

of the Word of special gratitude to businessmen who set an example of high social responsibility, actively participate in city life, develop traditions of patronage.


Titovets Larissa reminded that in 9 May, Victory Day the enterprises of a public catering prepared more than four thousand portions of "soldier's porridge" and gratuitously treated with it everyone of intinets on a central square of the city. Also it is only one visible example of charity.

Significant assistance the business community gives help to municipality by preparation and carrying out socially significant city actions. Businessmen help veterans and needy citizens, participate in city improvement, gratuitously carrying out repairs of socially significant objects. So in a moneybox of intinsky business infinitely there are a lot of good deeds.



"To the city your initiatives, ideas and projects are necessary to

assured. - Inta systematically moves to implementation of the Complex <12> Development Monotowns project which will begin with assignment to municipality of the status of TOSER. Privileges and preferences which such status will give gives to residents, will open to intinsky business community absolutely new opportunities and prospects. The demand for Inte's assignment of the status of TOSER is already sent by Government Komi Republic to Ministry of economic development and trade of the Russian Federation. It was necessary to wait not for long".

Inta's Mayor wished to intinsky business further developments and prosperity for the hometown benefit. Certificates of honor and Thanks of administration noted 120 businessmen and employees of the enterprises small businesses.

Specially for a festive event journalists of municipal TV channel prepared videos in which small businesses Inta showed the widest range of the enterprises. Each of six blocks of the program of this evening began with video presentation of a certain sphere of business.


Creative decoration of evening became performances performed by amateur and professional performers.

information agency "Komiinform"