Government of the Komi Republic Views0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekCompany-related news0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreI express gratitude to all staff of saving department not only for that daily work in which you are engaged, but also for participation in patriotic education of young generation of citizens of our great countryI express gratitude to all staff of saving department not only for that daily work in which you are engaged, but also for participation in patriotic education of young generation of citizens of our great country8/21/2018KomiinformThe region stood at "Univervideniya's" origins: the project grew to federal scales from university competition which was thought up by students that is especially valuable. It is the important project for all of us, and it has to pass at high level9/20/2018Your parallelSimilar training actions will proceed according to arrangements with the government of Komi about the work directed on improvement of the oncological help in the region and on early identification of the most widespread types of a cancerSimilar training actions will proceed according to arrangements with the government of Komi about the work directed on improvement of the oncological help in the region and on early identification of the most widespread types of a cancer8/30/2018KomiinformI express gratitude to all staff of saving department not only for that daily work in which you are engaged, but also for participation in patriotic education of young generation of citizens of our great countryI express gratitude to all staff of saving department not only for that daily work in which you are engaged, but also for participation in patriotic education of young generation of citizens of our great country8/21/2018KomiinformThe region stood at "Univervideniya's" origins: the project grew to federal scales from university competition which was thought up by students that is especially valuable. It is the important project for all of us, and it has to pass at high level9/20/2018Your parallelSimilar training actions will proceed according to arrangements with the government of Komi about the work directed on improvement of the oncological help in the region and on early identification of the most widespread types of a cancerSimilar training actions will proceed according to arrangements with the government of Komi about the work directed on improvement of the oncological help in the region and on early identification of the most widespread types of a cancer8/30/2018KomiinformI express gratitude to all staff of saving department not only for that daily work in which you are engaged, but also for participation in patriotic education of young generation of citizens of our great countryI express gratitude to all staff of saving department not only for that daily work in which you are engaged, but also for participation in patriotic education of young generation of citizens of our great country8/21/2018Komiinform12398Company-related news+28 last weekRostislav Goldshteyn0Media ScoreRostislav Goldshteyn171Connections+81 last weekNewsConnections Tree
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PoliticsНа заседании Правительства Республики подвели итоги адресной инвестиционной программы12/20/2024Companies9 secNorthwestern Federal DistrictВ столице Коми вручили премии деятелям культуры и наукиBNK12/20/2024PeopleMediaCompaniesGeography3 minSiberian Federal DistrictЕкатерина Грибкова призвала педагогов Коми набраться сил перед новым национальным проектом "Молодежь и дети"Komiinform12/20/2024GeographyMediaPeopleCompanies53 secOtherТалантливой молодёжи присуждены премии Правительства Республики Коми12/20/2024CompaniesMediaPeople51 secTravelПочти великолепно: турпродукты Коми получили максимальную оценку экспертовBNK12/19/2024MediaPeopleProductsCompaniesGeography2.2 minTransportationГлава государства потребовал от авиакомпаний прекратить практику отказа от льгот на билеты12/19/2024CompaniesPeopleGeography29 sec
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OtherВладимир Путин обсудил развитие Арктической зоны12/19/2024GeographyCompaniesPeople1.2 minReal estateНа развитие опорных населенных пунктов Коми в 2025-2027 годах планируется направить 2,6 млрд рублей12/19/2024CompaniesGeography1.6 minNorthwestern Federal DistrictВ Коми в 2024 году реализовано семь проектов по благоустройству сельских территорийKomiinform12/19/2024GeographyCompanies40 secNorthwestern Federal DistrictВласти Коми продолжат модернизацию кинозаловKultura newspaper12/19/2024PeopleCompaniesGeography35 secHealthСила добра: в детские больницы Коми на средства Сыктывкарского ЛПК приобретено современное оборудованиеKomiinform12/17/2024GeographyCompaniesPeople3.4 minNorthwestern Federal DistrictВ республике уточнен порядок определения стоимости при увеличении площади земельного участка12/17/2024GeographyPeopleCompanies28 sec