Government of the Komi Republic Views0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekCompany-related news0+0 last weekWatchShareMedia Score: LowI express gratitude to all staff of saving department not only for that daily work in which you are engaged, but also for participation in patriotic education of young generation of citizens of our great countryI express gratitude to all staff of saving department not only for that daily work in which you are engaged, but also for participation in patriotic education of young generation of citizens of our great country8/21/2018KomiinformThe region stood at "Univervideniya's" origins: the project grew to federal scales from university competition which was thought up by students that is especially valuable. It is the important project for all of us, and it has to pass at high level9/20/2018Your parallelSimilar training actions will proceed according to arrangements with the government of Komi about the work directed on improvement of the oncological help in the region and on early identification of the most widespread types of a cancerSimilar training actions will proceed according to arrangements with the government of Komi about the work directed on improvement of the oncological help in the region and on early identification of the most widespread types of a cancer8/30/2018KomiinformI express gratitude to all staff of saving department not only for that daily work in which you are engaged, but also for participation in patriotic education of young generation of citizens of our great countryI express gratitude to all staff of saving department not only for that daily work in which you are engaged, but also for participation in patriotic education of young generation of citizens of our great country8/21/2018KomiinformThe region stood at "Univervideniya's" origins: the project grew to federal scales from university competition which was thought up by students that is especially valuable. It is the important project for all of us, and it has to pass at high level9/20/2018Your parallelSimilar training actions will proceed according to arrangements with the government of Komi about the work directed on improvement of the oncological help in the region and on early identification of the most widespread types of a cancerSimilar training actions will proceed according to arrangements with the government of Komi about the work directed on improvement of the oncological help in the region and on early identification of the most widespread types of a cancer8/30/2018KomiinformI express gratitude to all staff of saving department not only for that daily work in which you are engaged, but also for participation in patriotic education of young generation of citizens of our great countryI express gratitude to all staff of saving department not only for that daily work in which you are engaged, but also for participation in patriotic education of young generation of citizens of our great country8/21/2018Komiinform123145Company-related news+23 last weekRostislav GoldshteynMedia Score: LowRostislav Goldshteyn254Connections+81 last weekNewsConnections Tree
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Northwestern Federal DistrictВ Коми с 2025 года уменьшатся сроки утверждения и внесения изменений в проекты планировки территории и межеванияKomiinform2/14/2025CompaniesGeographyMedia49 secCross-country skiingСпортсмены Коми оценили инициативу Ростислава Гольдштейна вдвое увеличить зарплату профессиональным лыжникамKomiinform2/14/2025PeopleCompaniesGeographyMedia1.2 minSecurity12 февраля – День образования подразделений государственного контроля и лицензионно-разрешительной работы Росгвардии2/12/2025CompaniesGeography1.9 minPoliticsПо поручению Ростислава Гольдштейна в школах Коми проведут классные часы о 80-летии Великой Победы2/11/2025PeopleCompaniesGeography28 secNorthwestern Federal DistrictАртистка-вокалистка "Парма" Валентина Соколова отметит юбилей на сцене Нацтеатра КомиKomiinform2/11/2025PeopleCompaniesGeography1.9 minSocial policyВладимир Теребихин2/11/2025PeopleCompaniesGeographyMedia19.3 min
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