Business will entangle Neural networks

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The founder of IT company ABBYY Davide Ian starts the new Yva project — a control system of efficiency businesses, based on Artificial intelligence.

As Davide Ian told newspaper "Kommersant", development will be based on other companies mister Davide Ian — Findo developing the search engine of the same name, and ABBYY will act as the distributor of the decision to Russian Federation and Commonwealth of Independent States. Yva represents a control system of efficiency businesses and increases of an involvement of the employees, based on Artificial intelligence (Artificial intelligence, Artificial intelligence). The project in a preliminary mode started to United States of America and will be soon started to Russian Federation, its commercial start is planned for September. While Yva works with English and Russian languages, and in September will be added Japanese, Chinese and German.

of Yva is connected to corporate mail, to messengers conducts surveys of employees and analyzes data. As a result service creates recommendations and preventions to each employee and the head that has to increase sales, prevent dismissals key employees and find other risks. "The early prevention of dismissals and deduction of the key employee to Russian Federation saves to companies million rubles, and to United States of America this figure makes from $100 thousand and more" — Davide Ian estimates. Besides, Yva fixes "burning out" of employees, their loss of interest to work and warns the conflicts between employees and clients, he adds. By the time of preliminary start of Yva will support Office 365, G-Suit, Slack and Github, and by the end of 2018 — more than 30 sources, including Jira, Asana, Dynamics, Salesforce, Amo CRM, "Bitriks 24".

the Market of corporate analytics only to United States of America already is now estimated at $1 billion, mister Davide Ian speaks. The segment of clever corporate analytics only starts developing, and, according to ABBYY, in five years its volume in the world will grow to $20 billion. The segment "really hot", agrees the president of Sistema_VC Filatov Dimitri. On March Demo Day of the British accelerator of Entrepreneurs First at least three projects represented ideas of use of Artificial intelligence in corporate processes, for example in work of employees with standard documents, he notes.

Source: newspaper "Kommersant"