"Sobibor's" founders told about shooting

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of the Photo: frame from the movie "Sobibor", the director Konstantin Khabensky

the Historical drama Konstantin Khabensky "Sobibor" was released on May 3. The movie tells about the only successful revolt of prisoners in the nazi camp of death operating in the southeast Poland one and a half years. During Sobibor's existence about 250 thousand Jews there were killed.

the Movie is based on the book Vasilyev Ilya "Pechersky Alexander: break in immortality", and the poem Geylikman Mark "Hatch"." Rescue of life was not the purpose of heroes of Sobibor, fight was conducted for worthy death, they defended the advantage of all mankind", – one of producers of a picture Gleb Fetisov told. According to him, authors want to tell history about those who lived on a limit and decided to overcome the insuperable.

"A subject of Nazism, genocide will be alas actual always. We see that people hate and kill each other for the "wrong" language, religion, skin color, a section of eyes. Nazism – limit degree of a condensation of the evil, resistance to such absolute evil just also generates the unprecedented examples of heroism remaining in centuries. From such heroes there was Pechersky Alexander", – the director of a picture Konstantin Khabensky explained.

undertook realization of epic idea of companies Cinema Production and "Gleb Fetisov the Illusion" with support of Fund Pechersky Alexander, and Public joint-stock company "Bank VTB" became the official sponsor. The vice-president of the credit organization Pechersky Alexander Erovfeev noted that "Sobibor's" exit becomes an important event for the country, especially on the eve of the Victory Day.

of Shooting passed in Lithuania where according to drawings the camp was almost completely restored. About 1000 actors participated in crowd scenes. And leading roles were played by such stars as Konstantin Khabensky, Lambert Christopher ("Mountaineer", "Mortal Kombat"), Mikhalina Olsciansca ("Matilda"), Reynkhardt Philipp ("Stalingrad", "Groom"), Maria Kozhevnikova ("Battalion"), Felicia Jankel, Kazlauskas Daynyus, Meskhi Gela, Godin Sergei, Ageev Roman and others. the Producer Aynulova Elmira told

that to actors was necessary to work under trying conditions, they for hours were on a wind in thin camp clothes." They and all film crew had to show not only acting, but also uncommon physical firmness", – the producer noted.

according to the director, the most difficult were shootings of camp everyday life. The viewer needs to explain that every minute of ordinary life heroes also are on the brink of death, Konstantin Khabensky "explained. We strove for the maximum reliability in everything, in each detail, each shot, understanding that if there will be no this external persuasiveness, and conversation with the viewer about the good and evil will not be able to take place", – the director summed up.

to a release of the movie to screens to Russian Federation took place its world premiere. It passed in Warsaw on April 23. Besides Europe the movie "Sobibor" leaves to United States of America and other countries, in particular, negotiations with film distributors Australia and Japan are conducted.

Revolt occurred in the fall of 1943. Rebels were brought together round himself by the Soviet officer Pechersky Alexander. 300 prisoners, having killed 12 SS-men, could break for a protection of camp and disappear in the wood. Fascists demolished camp and set the earth on which it stood, trees. The history about a feat of prisoners long time did not gain recognition in society.