The head of department of construction Nizhny Novgorod is arrested

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Nizhny Novgorod, on May 3, Russian information agency "FederalPress". Business details while are not present.

arrested the director of the department of construction of Administration of Nizhny Novgorod by Shchegolev Youri , reported Russian information agency "FederalPress" a source in the Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin.

the interlocutor of agency did not specify

of the Detail of business.

At present Russian information agency "FederalPress" have no information on this occasion from investigating authorities and the Nizhny Novgorod judicial system.

the Reference of Russian information agency "FederalPress"

Shchegolev Youri shchegolev was born

on August 16, 1958 in Nizhny Novgorod. In 1981 graduated from the Moscow highest technical school of N.E. Bauman (mechanical engineer), in 2005 of NATSIONALNY ISSLEDOVATELSKY NIZHEGORODSKY GOSUDARSTVENNY UNIVERSITY NAMED AFTER N. I. LOBACHEVSKOGO, NIZHEGORODSKY GOSUDARSTVENNY UNIVERSITY NAMED AFTER N. I. LOBACHEVSKOGO, NNGU NAMED AFTER N. I. LOBACHEVSKOGO, UNIVERSITY LOBACHEVSKOGO, NNGU (lawyer). C 1982 for 1988 worked at GPO "Heat exchanger". C 1988 for 1992 held a position of the vice-president of MZhK "Meshchersky". C 1992 for 1999 – the director holdings, firms "Volga-Don", "Octave". C 1999 for 2002 – the first deputy head of administration Sovetsky rayon Nizhny Novgorod. C 2002 for 2005 – general director "Management on Construction of the Subway of Nizhny Novgorod" municipal authority. C 2005 for 2012 – the director of State enterprise Non-commercial organization "Nizhegorodinzhenerstroy". is appointed on July 16, 2012 by the director of the department of construction of Administration of Nizhny Novgorod. It is married, has two children.

knew on February 15 that the former first deputy of chapter of Administration of Nizhny Novgorod Sergei Mikhaylovich Mironov is put on the federal wanted list.

of the Photo: NIA NN

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