More than 63 thousand refugees returned to East Guta

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More than 63 thousand inhabitants of the Syrian East Guta returned to the houses from camps for refugees, the chief of the Russian Center for reconciliation of the conflicting parties to Syrie the major general Yevtushenko Youri reported.


Acting at a briefing on Tuesday, it also told that the Russian military continue to clear of mines houses and objects of infrastructure. So, in days in Duma in East Gutya seven houses and house adjoining territories were cleared of mines, 12 explosive subjects are neutralized. Besides, settlements of East Guta and East Kalamun continue to patrol divisions of the Russian military police, transfers information agency "ITAR-TASS" .

by words Yevtushenko Youri, operation on release East Kalamun from illegal paramilitary groups proceeded six days.

For the past days medical help is given by

to 35 Syrians. The Russian military also provided safe passing of humanitarian escorts of United Nations to settlements Tell-Gekhab, Nava, Et Taiyiba, El-Dzhize and Khel of the province Deraa, the gross weight of humanitarian freight made 167 tons.