Duma Country: SyrieViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShareMedia Score: LowWe expect from inspectors of the Organization of the most impartial investigation of all of circumstances of an event in the city the Duma and the fastest submission of the objective reportWe expect from inspectors of the Organization of the most impartial investigation of all of circumstances of an event in the city the Duma and the fastest submission of the objective report4/21/2018Maria ZakharovaIt is impossible to allow that terrorists got access to weapons of mass destruction. Often this factor is used in the provocative purposes... The last example - obviously production nature of chemical attack allegedly taking place in the Syrian city the Duma4/24/2018Sergey ShoyguWe expect from inspectors of the Organization of the most impartial investigation of all of circumstances of an event in the city the Duma and the fastest submission of the objective reportWe expect from inspectors of the Organization of the most impartial investigation of all of circumstances of an event in the city the Duma and the fastest submission of the objective report4/21/2018Maria ZakharovaIt is impossible to allow that terrorists got access to weapons of mass destruction. Often this factor is used in the provocative purposes... The last example - obviously production nature of chemical attack allegedly taking place in the Syrian city the Duma4/24/2018Sergey ShoyguWe expect from inspectors of the Organization of the most impartial investigation of all of circumstances of an event in the city the Duma and the fastest submission of the objective reportWe expect from inspectors of the Organization of the most impartial investigation of all of circumstances of an event in the city the Duma and the fastest submission of the objective report4/21/2018Maria Zakharova120Region News+0 last weekMedia Score: Low11:29:52 AMGMT+211575Dialing codeConnectionsno dataPopulation110 893NewsConnections Tree
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