Karen Karapetyan: We have to choose the program, team, instead of the personality

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Karen Karapetyan: We have to choose the program, team, instead of the personality

of Arminfo . The acting as the prime minister - the minister Armenia Karen Karapetyan reproached the leader of oppositional movement, the deputy Pashinyan Nikol with absence of the specific program on development the countries.

In interview of Shant TV company Karen Karapetyan, in particular, declared

: "We have to choose the program, team, instead of the person, what good, positive and approximate he was". Besides, Karen Karapetyan noticed, not for all citizens Armenia Pashinyan Nikol is only the desired candidate for premieres.

thus he declared again

readiness of the authorities for negotiations, having especially underlined the phrase "without preconditions"." We are ready on negotiations, but that Pashinyan Nikol offers, there are no negotiations, it is the ultimatum - or I will be a prime minister, or at Armenia will not be a premiere. Unless it is negotiations? Yes we are ready on new elections of the prime minister on which Pashinyan Nikol can freely stand, but it does not mean, what other candidate has no right to be proposed, unless it is democracy about which Pashinyan Nikol likes to speak? " - Karen Karapetyan questioned.

thus it recognized that in the country there is a crisis. "And our share of fault in it big, we recognize it. Therefore we have to find way out of current situation by negotiations", - declared i.o the prime minister, again having assured that in the ranks of RPA and the authorities there is no split.