Vache Gabrielyan: In Washington D.C. highly appreciated peace character of actions to Armenia
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Vache Gabriyelyan: In Washington highly appreciated peace character of actions in Armenia

on April 21, 2018, 12:40 - NovostiNK
"We are in constructive dialogue with our American partners and prospects of cooperation are obvious", – the vice-prime minister declared Armenia Vache Gabrielyan who in Washington D.C. met representatives of State Department, Treasuries, United States Congress, and also World Bank and International Monetary Fund. His words are provided by the Armenian service of radio Golos Ameriki.

"During meetings affect economic prospects, a political situation to Armenia. I note that we successfully carry out transition to parliamentary model of public administration", – told Vache Gabrielyan.

according to the Deputy Prime Minister, during meetings all parties highly appreciated peace character passing in Armenia actions.
"The parties emphasize with br need of peace character, specify that there should not be a restriction of the rights at all, and also use of force. They note that the government and, in particular, Police Armenia approach to these questions very professionally", – the Deputy Prime Minister emphasized.
As were specified by Vache Gabrielyan, interlocutors highly appreciated in particular reserved reaction of the government to meetings.
"At the same time: if there is a violation of the rights of other persons, blocking of streets, entrances, is fraught with consequences from the point of view of legislative violations", – Vache Gabrielyan told.
we Will note br, meetings against premiership of the 3rd president Serzh Sargsyan headed by the head of oppositional parliamentary fraction "Elk" ("Exit"), the board member of Civil <14> Contract party entering of the same name block Pashinyan Nikol started Armenia on April 16 and steadily proceed every day on the Republic Square. Holding a meeting actively carry out processions, at different times carried out temporary captures of buildings Yerevansky state university, Public radio, etc., blocked entrances to state institutions, a network method blocked streets in the center of the capital and dormitory areas, work was interfered by public transports and the Yerevan subway. In the afternoon on April 16 holding a meeting, contrary to appeals of the deputy chief of Police Yerevan Osipyan Valery, even broke through a police cordon on the central Bagramyan Avenue where there are parliament buildings, the residence of the president, Constitutional Court of the Republic of Adygea and a number of embassies. Collisions protesting with began guards. The police after that started applying spetsredstvo, suffered not only protesting and Pashinyan Nikol, but also police officers. The police makes numerous statements, preventions of readiness in case of need to use force and to disperse meetings. Great number of citizens for these days were twisted to the drive in police offices.

at special meeting of National Assembly Armenia the prime minister chose on April 17 Serzh Sargsyan. In this regard holding meetings in Yerevan Pashinyan Nikol declared: "To Armenia the revolutionary situation was established, and now here I declare start of democratic, nonviolent, Velvet revolution", the power aimed at fast change. On meeting on April 20 it, having refused the dialogue offered by the authorities, made concrete demands: "1 . Serzh Sargsyan resigns from a post of the prime minister of RA; 2 . The national assembly of RA chooses as the prime minister of the candidate from the people; 3 . The provisional government is formed; 4 . According to RA legislation, within 20 days after appointment of the prime minister and formation of provisional government of NANOSECOND has to approve the governmental program if the NANOSECOND does not accept the governmental program, then extraordinary parliamentary elections are convoked. Here we are ready to discuss these points with the authorities for providing free and without shocks of change of the power".