The Nizhny Novgorod writers will be able to present the manuscripts to leading publishing houses at Gorky festival

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Within a festival of a name of Gorky the Nizhny Novgorod writers and poets will be able to present the works to leading Russian publishing houses. About it the correspondent of In N City news agency was reported by the organizer of a festival Dimitri Petrovich Birman.

Daily since March 26 in the museum of a name of Gorky there will pass "A poetic marathon" where young writers will have an opportunity to exchange experience, to read each other the verses and prose. At meetings there will be representatives of nuclear heating plant publishing house, EKSMO and Shubina Helena where modern writers, for example Rubina Dina are published.

Besides, within one more through action "A journal hall" the Nizhny Novgorod authors will be able to get acquainted with editors of leading literary magazines "Druzhba Narodov", "Neva", "Deti Ra" and others.

Representatives of publishing houses and magazines will tell

to beginning authors how to interact publishers and as it is correct to offer the manuscripts.

"Probably, thanks to such communication soon we will see on shelves of bookstores of work of the Nizhny Novgorod authors" — Dimitri Petrovich Birman assumed.