About visit of the Minister of Foreign Affairs Russian Federation to Ethiopia

@MID Rossii
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on March 9 the Minister of Foreign Affairs Russian Federation Sergey Lavrov, being on a visit in Addis Ababa, was accepted by the Prime minister Ethiopia Haylemariamom Desalenem and the President to Teshome Mulat to Virt, held negotiations with the Minister of Foreign Affairs Vorknekh Gebeyekhu.

during the interested exchange of opinions on a wide range of questions of the Russian-Ethiopian cooperation in details discussed the perspective directions of further accumulation of mutually advantageous partnership in trade and economic and investment areas, with emphasis on realization to Ethiopia joint projects in power spheres, including nuclear, agriculture, transports, geological researches, science and technologies. The importance of continuation of interaction in the humanitarian sphere, training is emphasized.

confirmed a mutual spirit Moscow and Addis Ababa on further deepening of confidential political dialogue and close coordination of actions on the world scene, including in UN Security Council which non-permanent member is Ethiopia, on the basis of fundamental provisions of international law and the Charter of United Nations. Lack of alternative of interface of efforts of all states for effective counteraction to modern calls and threats, first of all to terrorism is accented.

By consideration of an actual regional perspective the priority attention was paid by

to a problem of unblocking of the conflicts and situation stabilization in Africa, in particular near the Horn of Africa, in a principle context "to the African problems – the African decision". Need of further assistance of the world community to settlement to Somalia, South Sudan, the Sakharo-Sakhelsky zone and the Region of the Great Lakes is noted.