The deputy Levchenko Youri was sent to a knockout by "Klitschko's mercenaries"

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B Kiev during protest action against building of the territory of one of parks on Polovetskaya Street beat the extra fractional deputy The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Levchenko Youri. As other participant of the action, the deputy City council of the Kiyevsky settlement Svyatoslav Kuntyak in the Social network Facebook told, Levchenko Youri were beaten by "Klitschko's mercenaries".

Under Kuntyak's certificate, "klichkovsky aunts" beat Levchenko Youri to such an extent that he fainted, and then several times scattered in eyes from a barrel, and now it has a suspicion on a burn. The injured people's deputy brought to hospital.


In return in local police reported that collision happened during dismantle of illegal garages. Guards claim that Levchenko Youri and Kuntyak initiated the conflict, having tried to throw a Molotov cocktail." Fight which was prevented by militiamen" resulted — quotes the statement of police information agency "RIA Novosti" .

On Friday, March 9, in Kiev there take place actions in honor of anniversary since the birth of the poet Shevchenko Taras. In the morning protesting against authorities in power Shevchenko Taras in the downtown broke to a monument to prevent President of Ukraine to Petro Poroshenko to assign flowers. But while the situation on a place quiet, is not present collisions, added in police.