The end truth — it too began opportunity: in Pyeongchang Russian Federation hurt

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The end truth — it too began opportunity: in Pyeongchang to Russia hurt
reigns In the Russian sports confusion if not to tell more — "bordelyero". Irresponsibility. That Russian Federation appeared before the world in the unenviable situation, humiliated and offended — wine of the sports authorities.
the Triumph combined Russian Federation on hockey (forgive, teams of athletes Russian Federation — quite so at will International Olympic Committee officially was called our delegation at the Games in Pyeongchang) topped with

speech of the Russian athletes at the Winter Olympic Games in South Korea.

in hockey fans are as usual ready to forgive to

For gold failures in other sports. And here — a victory which was waited by 26 years! Canadians had no players of NHL, but they were not and at us. At anybody was not: neither at Swedes, nor at Finns, at Czechs. All great hockey powers were on an equal footing …

Success in hockey — as the first snowdrops. Hockey players could not lose — anybody would not understand it. Even housewives. And athletes too perfectly understood it. And they won! Won on pleasure to the people. "We were supported by all country — the Olympic champion Voynov Vyacheslav told. — And we felt it".

So all also was … Good fellows, children!

As for ambitious Canadians, ancestors of hockey, they were content with bronze medals. Such is the price of their arrogance and boastfulness …

Figure skating competes in popularity to hockey. Figure skaters won the first gold medal of the Olympic Pyeongchang for Russian Federation — charming Zagitova Aline, the 15-year-old figure skater from Izhevsk, with gloss won single driving made it. Zagitova Aline and the double world champion Medvedeva Eugenia, other Russian beauty, were true queens of ice.

their superiority was obvious both in short, and in free skating. None of competitors even theoretically could not interfere with their fight for a champion's title. It was the original triumph of domestic school of figure skating. And it not the only medal at figure skaters at the Games in Pyeongchang … We have still a silver award in team championship. Could be gold if without having razed in single driving. We did not train athletes of level Yagudin Aleksey and Evgeni Plushenko that confirmed also personal tournament where our children took the seventh and eighth places. Nobody succeeded Trankov Maxime and to Volosozhar Tatyana, to victors of the previous Olympic Games in pair figure skating. The dancing duet did not break through in the three of prize-winners. And how here not to remember legendary duets Pakhomova Ludmila and Gorshkov Alexander, Linichuk Natalia and Karponosov Gennady. Three medals (one gold and two silver), two places in the first six — are worthy result though from figure skating what to speak, we always wait for the bigger. It is our fad, our trump …

Before the Olympic Games there were many disputes on, whether to go to us to Pyeongchang or not that created with our country International Olympic Committee.

— Me it is strange to

to hear that someone can not go to Games, — great Tarasova Tatyana, our legendary figure skating coach told. — Only in fight it is possible to prove that we the strongest that we want to be under the flag and with the anthem. And that who will make it, it will be exact huge glory. It will be Perhaps difficult and something at these Olympic Games will be for the first time. But nobody promised easy life. All athletes are ready to everything. And, it seems to me, for future generations these Olympic Games can make huge business. If it is not, we will ruin all Russian sports. We have such remarkable children, such remarkable trainers! . .

I here Olympic Games behind. And now it is obvious: no, not for nothing we went to Pyeongchang, not for nothing! Games-2018 showed, the potential of the Russian sports is how great. Who before the Olympic Games knew names Bolshunov Alexander, Spitsov Denise, Chervotkin Aleksey, Larkov Andrey, Belorukova Julia, Nepryaeva Natalia, Sedova Anastasia, Nechaevskaya Anna? Only narrow circle of experts of skiing. And they on these, such difficult for Russian Federation Games won eight medals in the absence of leaders of the national team. Eight! They surprised, they admired the world. 21-year-old Bolshunov Alexander — the owner of four Olympic awards — three silver and one bronze. Such quantity of medals at one Olympic Games was not won before by any domestic skier. Bolshunov Alexander was equally good both in sprint, and in a marathon — race on 50 kilometers, race which call royal. Spitsov Denise — the triple prize-winner! On two Olympic medals won Belorukova Julia and Larkov Andrey — here it is valid "The red car"! The pressure and skill it stunned mighty ski Scandinavia …


the Silver medal Tregubov Nikita in skeleton, bronze Ridzik Sergei which became the real opening of the Olympic Games, and Burov Ilya in freestyle competitions — achievements which too, as they say, are worth a lot …

In Pyeongchang our Olympians in six sports won 17 medals — 2 gold, 6 silver, 9 bronze. Nearly a half of awards (8) — a merit of skiers. Three times figure skaters, twice — masters of freestyle, one time — representatives of skeleton and short track ascended to the podium. In a special row — triumph of hockey players.

"Crop" in itself quite good, but only not for Russian Federation. In comparison with Norway, become winner Igr in an informal team competition (at it — 39 medals), with Germany — 31 and Canada — 29 — it is a miserable amount. In the total table of an all-team competition Russian Federation already on the 13th place. But to it, however, there is an explanation. It is known that Russian Federation acted in Pyeongchang without big group of the strongest athletes, athletes of world level (Legkov Alexander, Belov Eugenie, Vylegzhanin Maxime, Kryukov Nikita, Petukhov Aleksey, Dementyev Eugenie, Sergei Aleksandrovich Ustyugov, Chekaleva Julia — skis; Pawel Aleksandrovich Kulizhnikov, Yuskov Denise, Murashov Ruslan, Fatkulina Olga — skates; Anton Shipulin, Aleksey Volkov, Loginov Alexander, Eugenie Aleksandrovich Garanichev, Irina Starykh, Catherina Yurlova - Perkht — biathlon; Stolbova Xenia, Klimov Fedor — figure skating; Kasyanov Alexander, Pushkarev Aleksey — bobsled; An Victor — short track). Acted in the conditions of the most severe pressure and unprecedented controls, without national symbols … What strength of mind, what character needs to be had that in such atmosphere to win medals! I will not begin to claim that all our leaders would become champions and prize-winners, but at least we could count on 5–6 gold medals precisely, as well as into place in the five of the strongest. By the way about a team competition. The place in a rating for some reason is determined by number of gold medals.

Number of champions — not the certificate of a true situation. Imagine that any country won only one gold medal and it costs much more above at whom two tens awards, but any first place. Unless it is fair? I speak about it at all somehow to ennoble result of a Russian team in Pyeongchang. Not for the sake of the truth, and for the sake of truth as Panikovsky spoke. By the way, on total number of medals Russian Federation shares the sixth — the seventh places with South Korea, advancing Switzerland, France, Sweden, Austria, and it already quite another matter. At least in this situation. If to speak on the merits of the case, and the place in the first five does not paint Russian Federation. Russian Federation — the winter country, with remarkable sports traditions, and I do not understand why we have to yield a leading position of Norway, Germany, Canada, United States of America? But obviously we concede to rivals in the business organization. We are helped out with that the Russian land" is able "to give rise own Newtons, helps out talent of our original trainers. System work is not present, many traditions are lost. Once we brought up high-class masters in ski jumping (Vladimir Alekseevich Belousov — the Olympic champion, Napalkov Gary — the double world champion), in a ski double-event (Kiselev Nicholas — the silver prize-winner of the Olympic Games, Gusakov Nicholas, Levandi Allar and Stolyarov Valery — bronze). And where now all this?

confusion reigns In the Russian sports if not to tell more — "bordelyero". Irresponsibility. That Russian Federation appeared before the world in the unenviable situation, humiliated and offended — wine of the sports authorities. Their lack of will, passivity. They missed time. it was necessary to work as soon as there was on the German channel a movie about a dope to Russian Federation as soon as there was McLaren's report … Generally, it turned out so that athletes were defenseless before an impudent pressure International Olympic Committee … For the it is necessary to fight. And them left to the mercy of fate. How you think, someone will be responsible for it?

… The winter Olympic Games in Pyeongchang became the most scandalous, dishonest, dull in the history. Koreans in it are not guilty. Owners made everything in order that Games were successful. That it is impossible to name the Olympic Games Béla though snow and ice did not change the color, International Olympic Committee bears responsibility. International Olympic Committee left Pyeongchang without the whole galaxy of stars of world sports, having illegally vetoed speech of the Russian athletes, thereby having broken the principle of objectivity in identification of the strongest. It extremely politized Games, ignored the Olympic charter. He urged athletes of other countries to unite against the Russian Olympians. It deprived our country of a flag and the anthem. It selected a name at the country, having thought up for it any strange name — OAR (The Olympic athletes Russian Federation) …

the Power is — mind it is not necessary?

I all for the sake of one purpose: to make Russian Federation it is sick. Well, cut to the quick, it was possible. Position Smirnov Vitaly, honorary member International Olympic Committee, former president of ROC: "Our Ministry of sports now combines all functions: it plans result, bears for it responsibility, pursues science, educations, infrastructure creation, and still is responsible and for a dope. I am absolutely sure: if we in management structure professional sports separate from all the rest, there are no guarantees that present crisis will not repeat … I suggest to return to world experience and volume with what we began work in the mid-nineties. Then LLC "OKR", Olympic committee Russia, ROC was the most powerful organization, carrying out preparation of national teams and speech of athletes. We managed to keep sports in the most difficult conditions when in the country there was a full ruin, at stadiums arranged the markets, trainers in large quantities left a profession. But even against all this sports results then were such of what now even it is not necessary to dream. I will remind, at the Olympic Games of 2000 in Sydney we won 32 gold medals. And all this was a consequence of that the Olympic committee and Federation were engaged in an elite sport.

… The worst result in Pyeongchang in the history of the Olympic Games and all that now happens to the Russian sports, this shame of athletes and trainers — is a shame of the sports authorities and different colors of officials, but they have no courage to admit it. The political order, excesses the ungirdled International Olympic Committee — quite reliable cover … But all of us know the true price to this disgrace …

P. S. Winter Olympic Games 2018 took place in Pyeongchang without Russian Federation, the president told International Olympic Committee Thomas Bach. Probably, it simply joked …

Tatyana Tarasova
Main activity:Show business personality
Thomas Bach
Last position: President (International Olympic Committee)
Ольга Александровна Фаткулина
Last position: The professional athlete on speed skating
Alexander Legkov
Last position: Deputy, vice-chairman of committee on affairs of youth and sport (Regional Duma of Moscow)
Anton Shipulin
Last position: Deputy, member of the committee on physical culture, sport,\u000ato tourism and affairs of youth (State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation)