"A task at least — four gold medals": in Khabarovsk starts the championship Russian Federation on sambo

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In the last year's championship of Russia which took place in Yekaterinburg, Alsim Chernoskulov (at the left) won a heavy victory in the category final to 100 kilograms. Photo: press service of the All-Russian federation of sambo

In the last year's championship Russian Federation which took place in Yekaterinburg, Chernoskulov Alsim (at the left) won a heavy victory in the category final to 100 kilograms. Photo: the press service All-Russian Federation of Sambo

in Khabarovsk starts Today the championship Russian Federation on sambo. Traditionally Sverdlovsk fighters went on tournament in the rank of one of the main favourites on a medal practically in all weight categories. In anticipation of tournament one of coaches of the team Sverdlovsk region, the fivefold world champion Khlybov Ilya told "OG" about preparation for competitions and the tasks facing team.

— We now are in Khabarovsk on collecting twenty days. Arrived in advance to be prepared. It is always heavy to act, when such huge difference in time zones. I think, we made correctly that arrived here.

— As estimate readiness of team?

— Everything passes in an operating mode. We acquire the receptions, managed to sort rivals. I think that such collecting will do team good. Well and in general, all of us look forward to the beginning of competitions, tournament expectation, of course, presses psychologically both on athletes, and on a trainer's staff a little. After all we live from the championship Russian Federation to the championship Russian Federation.

— How many athletes arrived to Khabarovsk from Sverdlovsk region?

— Now with us 35 people train — all of them will fight on tournament. It is necessary to tell that we is far not only who arrived to Khabarovsk in advance, now here about 80 people from different regions of the country.

The fivefold world champion and the beginning trainer Ilya Hlybov

the Fivefold world champion and the beginning trainer Khlybov Ilya. Photo: the press service All-Russian Federation of Sambo

— From 35 people representing our region, whether is beginners for whom it will be the first championship Russian Federation?

— Yes, in principle there are two young guys who will for the first time make a speech at national championship. For them it will be enormous experience. We count on them, new people are necessary to us. Let they will not reach the final, but to win two-three fights — it is already huge success. I consider that to think of medals while early, they act in such weight, in which very big competition. Therefore even one victory on tournament — already success. But I think that in the following national championship they will be able to be overcome for a victory, they have all for this purpose.

— And you remember the first national championship? What emotions tested then?

— Perfectly I remember

. Then the championship took place Russian Federation, for me it there was an improbable responsibility: the first adult national championship moreover and at native tribunes. Then nobody believed in my success, spoke supposedly on men to fight — it absolutely other level and technicians, and "physics". Yes I and itself did not think about any medals, simply wanted to act as it is possible better. As a result I took the second place, went on the championship Europe where became the first. And after all I still had to speak at youth national championship, but because of progress in the adult championship refused.

— What tasks face team of our region?

— Sverdlovsk region has one of the strongest schools of sambo in the country, therefore also the purposes at us the highest. Task at least — to win four gold medals, and it will be already visible further. At us on tournament there arrived very serious children who won more than once national championships, Europe and the world. But it is fight, there can be everyone. Acclimatization, injuries or simply carelessness … Nevertheless we expect to show, of course, the maximum result, I think, everything has to pass well.

Chernoskulov Alsim in case of a victory will go to the World Cup behind the sixth gold. Now at you with it on five gold medals of the world championships. Whether there is between you no rivalry?

— Well that you (laughs) . I, on the contrary, very much want that Chernoskulov Alsim and further continued us to please with the victories. Let it will have seven or eight victories in the World Cups, I only will be glad.

— to It it in power?

— Well and why also is not present? Yes, he already elderly, becomes heavier to fight every year everything, here I understand him. But at it such huge desire to win, you do not represent. For a start it is necessary to finish wrestling well in the championship Russian Federation, and there we will already prepare for the following starts.

  • It is published in No. 36 of 1.03.2018 under the heading " the Task at least — four gold medals "