Naked figure skater and skier-neumekha: the main embarrassment of Winter Olympic Games 2018
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Papadakis Gabriela and Sizeron Guillaume. Photo: GLOBAL LOOK press/David G.
the Winter Winter Olympic Games 2018 pleased Mcintyre
decided to remind readers of the brightest embarrassment of Games.


the Very first embarrassment occurred during a ceremony of opening of the Olympic Games. The Russian flag which forbade International Olympic Committee, after all appeared though not at stadium, but in an air. By a ridiculous mistake our tricolor showed during passing of the national team France in a live broadcast on the Korean television.


it is not excluded that it was at all the mistake. Such unusually the staff of South Korean television supported Russians at the Olympic Games. Besides some observers note that the relations of Russian and French athletes the extremely difficult. To remember at least the conflict of biathlonists Anton Shipulin and Marten Furkad.


the Korean television during translation of opening of the Olympic Games instead of the French flag accepted a flag Russian Federation %23Olympics to to pic. Twitter. com/g91g21xFBe

— Actual Russian Federation (@RussiaActually)


the French figure skater Papadakis Gabriela admitted on February 9, 2018 that endured at the Olympic Games the most terrible nightmare. The girl cannot still depart from shock. During performance with Sizeron Guillaume at the sportswoman aside the suit bodice foully moved down, having bared a breast.

"My suit revealed. It was heavy. Such it happened to me for the first time, however I tried to remain focused and wanted to finish the program without other excesses. My most terrible nightmare occurred at the Olympic Games. I felt at once it. I prayed. It everything that I could make", – the sportswoman in tears after competitions told. After performance Sizeron Guillaume it was necessary to calm the partner. This embarrassment, certainly, affected results – Papadakis Gabriela and Sizeron Guillaume took silver.

Gabriela Papadakis and Guillaume Sizeron. Photo: GLOBAL LOOK press/Peter Kneffel


on February 13 the 17-year-old American snowboarder Kim Chloe won Olympic Games-2018 gold. The leader of KNBR radio station Konnor Patrick was delighted with the young champion, but overdid with epithets and lost work.

"It is devilishly attractive by

. It has such juicy loin, as a small hot slice of pie. It in a full order. It only 17? Well, the countdown went. I wait when it will be 18", – Konnor Patrick exclaimed.

the Olympic champion Kim Chloe so likes to eat


— OI Pyeongchang-2018 got on a box for a breakfast . Fan (@sports_olympic)


one of the most titled figure skaters of the present – the Japanese to Khanyu Yudzuru won on February 23, 2018 first place In the short program, having got 111,68 points. After completion of performance on the athlete from tribunes Winnie-Pukhov hundred departed.

The matter is that Winnie – a favourite toy to Khanyu Yudzuru. And fans at various competitions constantly throw ice toy bear cubs. This time they brought on tribunes five huge bags with Winnie-Pukhami.

To Yudzur Han. Photo: GLOBAL LOOK press/Kenjiro Matsuo


the Representative of the national team of Tonga became again a star of TV screens of all planet. It made furor, having come to Maracanã stadium in a national skirt taovala and with the naked torso covered with coconut oil.

Pete Taufatofua's

persistently continues to participate in Games. At the summer 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro Pete was a tkhekvondist. For the sake of winter in Pyeongchang the athlete quickly trained for a new profession in skiers, having managed to work, however, this sport of only 12 weeks. In South Korea it took part in race on 15 kilometers, having taken the 114th place from 116.<"83>"

Pete Taufatofua. Photo: GLOBAL LOOK press/Scott Mc Kiernan


the Czech snowboarder and the mountain skier Esther Ledetska won gold medals of Pyeongchang both in a snowboard, and in mountain skiing. However, as it appeared, Esther so did not believe in the victory in mountain skiing that refused to take off a ski mask at press conferences. The sportswoman reasoned the decision that did not wait for the first place and did not make up.

Esther Ledetska at all did not expect to win gold in the supergiant and did not make up on start. As a result, came to press conferences in a mask, and it is that history of which frightened girls from whom girls who made up pic never leave the house grew up. .com/TkffZzSI5f

— Ukrominyon (@ukrominion) on February 17, 2018


Users of social networks called by Twitter, the greatest swindler in the history of Games. Sueyni started playing sports at the age of 25 years and decided to get on the Olympic Games.

without having chances to break through in structure of the national team of United States of America, Sueyni started supporting the national team Venezuela. After unsuccessful results she decided to represent team Hungary. To get on Games-2018, Sueyni should have entered several times in top-30 at the World Cup stages. The American spoke only at those starts where the number of participants did not exceed 29. Thus, Sueyni executed the standard and could get on Games.


the Russian biathlonist made a fatal mistake during the Olympic race. Kayshev Ulyan forgot to pass a penal circle after to her result two minutes were added. It did not pass one of five penal circles which earned for four firing lines. The young Russian finished on the 38th place after Darya Domracheva.

By the race end it was displaced by

on the 52nd position, and Darya Domracheva it appeared on the 37th. Laura Dalmayer who brought to the national team Germany the third gold in three Olympic starts won pursuit. On the second place – the Russian biathlonist Kuzmina Anastasia, she brought a silver medal of the national team Slovakia for which performed at the Olympic Games. The Frenchwoman Beskon Anais became the third.

Kayshev Ulyan: We rejoice for our skiers, their results fine motivate 👇 with pic. Twitter. com/YQkh9DsHwb

— Beauties of sports (@girls_sovsport) on February 20, 2018.

the Fan from North Korea from support group was HIT ON HANDS

paid at the Olympic Games that decided to clap to the American figure skaters. Girls actively supported the athletes after whom to ice there were Americans. One of North Korean fans tried to clap and to them, however quickly was hit on hands from the vigilant neigbour. There was it in the face of all stadium and under a sight of chambers.


the Form of skaters from an Olympic team of United States of America caused bewilderment in fans. Users of the Network called the designer who has thought up vestments for Americans, the pervert. The attention of the audience was drawn by fabric inserts between feet of sportswomen. They differed from the main form on color and emphasized genitals.

of the Girl sported in fitting dark overalls with light inserts in causal places. Round contrast "patches" were evident at once. Fans admitted: though they also sit on other party of the screen, all the same redden.

Who the hell designed these and why? from r/funny


Winter Olympic Games 2018 lifted attendance of the known Tinder and Pornhub resources. It became clear that sex is necessary to athletes. The number of users of a dating site grew by 348%, and a portal for adults – for 70%.

Sex at the Olympic Games – for a long time not closed subject, and one of the most discussed news before Games – quantity of condoms for athletes. To the Korean Olympic village delivered 110 thousand condoms (on 37 on everyone) – ten thousand more, than in Vancouver in the 2010th and to Sochi in the 2014th.

Author: Komarov Alexander
Gabriela Papadakis
Last position: The professional athlete on figure skating
Guillaume Sizeron
Last position: The professional athlete on figure skating
Anton Shipulin
Last position: Deputy, member of the committee on physical culture, sport,\u000ato tourism and affairs of youth (State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation)
Marten Furkad
Main activity:Athlete
Yudzuru Khanyu
Main activity:Athlete