The lawyer Belykh Catherina told who the first betrayed the ex-governor

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"Mister Sergei Shcherchkov – the traitor. It does not have a justification", - Belykh Catherina

declared to journalists

of News of Kirov and Kirov region on February 12. to Nikita Belykh imputed three episodes of receiving bribes the sum of 600 thousand euros. According to the investigators, the first bribe of 200 thousand euros Belykh Catherina received in 2011-2012 through intermediaries from of the businessman Laritsky Albert . To it during this period belonged JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "NLK" and LLC management company "Leskhoz" which in a consequence became Kogup "Kirovles". Laritsky Albert in 2016 received three years of a colony for fraud with NLK assets. Intermediaries by transfer of money from Laritsky Albert Nikita Belykh were Sysolyatin Vladimir, the ex-director of NLK and the ex-deputy chairman of the government, the close friend Nikita Belykh Sergei Shcherchkov .

Money Nikita Belykh demanded after promoted inclusion of investment projects of companies in the list of the priority. It allowed them to take the timberland for development on favorable terms. Also Belykh Catherina guaranteed to Laritsky Albert the general protection.

B the owner of the enterprises became to 2013 the citizen Germany Zudkhaymer Youri , the native of the USSR. Having understood that companies were in a pre-bankruptcy state and not fully executed conditions of priority investment projects that threatened with cancellation of contracts rent of the timberland from the government and would lead to impossibility of maintaining businesses, Zudkhaymer Youri addressed to Nikita Belykh.

That promised

to the businessman that Government regiona will close eyes to these facts. For it he in 2014 demanded 400 thousand euros. The last part of a bribe in 200 thousand euros Belykh Catherina received in June, 2016 when it was caught at the Moscow restaurant red-handed. With marked notes Zyudkhaymer Youri gave a gift package personally. In spite of the fact that Nikita Belykh did not touch the note, his hands "were lit" - special paint processed package handles. Zudkhaymer Youri declared to the federal press that the behavior Belykh Catherina compelled it to hand over as was afraid that he will not cease to demand money.

Only on one episode of business Belykh Catherina acquitted behind insufficiency of proofs - receiving a bribe from intermediaries Laritsky Albert. By the way, a curious detail, the last after indications in courts, insisted on repeated interrogation, having expressed desire "to tell all truth to courts as it was not rather frank". But the judge Vasyuchenko Tatyana refused satisfaction of the petition of the lawyer Laritsky Albert.

the Lawyer of the ex-governor Kirov region told

to journalists who the first betrayed his client.

- According to the documents, to the first investigators about money were reported by Sysolyatin Vladimir. Before Sergei Shcherchkov in every possible way disowned from interrogations, saying that knows nothing and nothing did, - Grokhotov Andrey on passed in Kirov explained to press conferences. – And when Sergei Shcherchkov during the next interrogation told and showed documentary that Sysolyatin Vladimir pointed to it, it changed the indications. At that moment before it there was a choice, and it made it.

Grokhotov Andrey added that to investigators indications Sergei Shcherchkov were very important. They confirmed that Belykh Catherina took money systematically.

- Mister Sergei Shcherchkov – the traitor. It does not have a justification, - were declared by Belykh Catherina . - Nikita Belykh in courts very well told: "Friends cannot be bought, but it is possible to sell them".