The deputy Nikita Belykh told how transferred him a package with money
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Nikita Belykh's deputy told how transferred it a package with money

B Presnensky district court of Moscow took place the next, twelfth meeting in the matter of the ex-governor Kirov region Nikita Belykh. Court interrogated the next witness - Sergei Shcherchkov which was the deputy Nikita Belykh, transfers "Mediazon" .

Shcherchkov including gave to

Sergei Shcherchkov one of bribes from Laritsky Albert , then the owner JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "NLK". Court learned circumstances of transfer of money: it happened in 2012, and Nikita Belykh asked the deputy that that "hastened" Laritsky Albert. In the spring of that year Sergei Shcherchkov Sysolyatin Vladimir called and reported that Laritsky Albert gave a package for the governor. They met at the government building in the car.

I told

quot will bring. There was an evening, Sysolyatin Vladimir got into the car, transferred a package. I mechanically there glanced. Inside orange package, four packs of 500 euros. Well I a little bit was surprised... I took a package, went to the government, Nikita Belykh signed any papers. I gave a package - from Sysolyatin Vladimir. He silently put it before itself(himself), and I left.

Subsequently, were continued by the story the witness, in some days or weeks, Laritsky Albert called, asked, whether I gave money and asked, whether "chief" is happy. "A bit later Nikita Belykh told me that Laritsky Albert fulfills the obligations, we continue to help it", - Sergei Shcherchkov explained.

" Sergei Shcherchkov, it was a bribe? ", - the judge asked a question." Well … After years … I think, what yes", - the witness concluded and added that he and then understood character of these of money, but did not want to believe that they are a bribe.

About a course of the previous meetings in the matter of the ex-governor Nikita Belykh read in materials: