Russian Federation started "turning bronze"

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were today the third three times: in curling (besides, our couple, certainly, "the first on beauty"), and also in ski sprint at men and women.

A after all were so close to getting into the final! © Freeze frame of video 1 channel

Mountain skiing. Combination. Men

the Russian mountain skier Trikhichev Pawel could not participate in arrival. It fell in the beginning of the performance and was taken to hospital. In a network already there was a comment of the trainer Sitnikov Pawel — Dogadkin Andrey. "Feet at Sitnikov Pawel are whole, there are problems with an elbow joint — Dogadkin Andrey told. — It injured sinews. Probably, it will need operation, but it is possible. The decision will be made later. All the rest at it is whole, except for damages of soft fabrics. After carrying out a tomography of concussion at it also it is not revealed. Certainly, it in consciousness. Everything is normal. The decision on operation will be made in two-three days … In two-three days it will be clear, whether he will participate further in the Olympic Games. It is not necessary excluding its returns yet".

we Will wish to Trikhichev Pawel the fastest restoration, well, and on a podium "came around" the Austrian Khirsher Marcelle and French Pinturo Alexis and Myuffa Victor - Zhande.

Curling. The mixed vapors

we Will congratulate our national team on a bronze medal. In a match for the third place Bryzgalova Anastasiya (already nicknamed one of journalists "Bond's girlfriend") and Krushelnitsky Andrey won a victory with the score 8:4 over the national team Norway. In the final Canadians and Swisses met. Players of the national team "the countries of a maple leaf" won a victory with the score 10:3. Perhaps you should not lost have beaten on the eve of ours? Perhaps at ours sports are better poluchilos?

Konkobezhny. Men. 1500 m

Only of Russians — Trofimov Sergei — showed to

only unfavourable eighteenth result. It conceded to the leader more than two and a half seconds. Dutch Kyeld Neys became the winner. The second — his compatriot Rust Patrick. Korean Minh Sok Kim closes the three of the strongest.

Cross-country skiing

our ski national team became today the real drink of air for the Russian fans. From women Belorukova Julia and Nepryaeva Natalia. Zhambalova Alisa, alas, took off at a qualification stage. Nerpyaeva, by the way, reached the final in the status varnishes losers, having shown the third result in the semifinal running. Belorukova Julia to the last fought for a silver award, but Mayken Kaspersen Falla who won a victory in this discipline at the games to Sochi as a result conceded to the Norwegian a floor of second. Well, and the laurel branch departed to Nilsson Stina, representing Sweden.

Bolshunov Alexander also pleased us with "bronze". However, it applied and for the second post, but a photo finish disposed differently. It should be noted that Bolshunov Alexander arrived to a national team arrangement only on the eleventh of February though had to at all the fifteenth. the 21-year-old skier was just restored after a serious illness, and already now became the bronze prize-winner of the Olympic Games. Except it Panzhinsky Alexander, left in a semi-final, Vitsenko Aleksey who because it broke fastening could not promote further a quarterfinal. The last from our athletes — Andrey Melnichenko did not pass even a qualification round.

Luge. Women

Baturina Catherina could improve some the results in comparison with last arrival. It rose by five positions. As a result — the fifteenth result. In the three of leaders — Germans Gayzenberger Natalie and Dayana Aytberger, and also the Canadian Gaf Alex.

Snowboard. Haypayp

In the final female haypaypa Russians were not. Won arrival Kim Chloe from United States of America, her compatriot Ariel Gold — the third. Between them Chinese woman Liu Jiayu "was attached".

Besides the female final, there passed man's qualification. There our representative had not to apply for high positions, alas. Nikita Avanteev — the twentieth, and in the final we will not see it. The American White Sean became the best in qualifying race.

Hockey. Women

our national team which International Olympic Committee forbade to call "red car", came to the next grief having conceded with the score 0:5 to Americans. Chances of exits from group are already lost. There is only a match with Finland where at most that our national team will be able to make — "to leave in a huff". In a playoffs the group "B" left the national teams Canada and United States of America.

Short track

female quarterfinals on 500 meters Opened the short-track program. Only of the Russian participants Prosvirnova Sophia passed in a semi-final, but, unfortunately, could not promote further. In the final the best were Fontana Arianna from Italy, Jara Van Kerkhov from Netherlands and Canadian Kim Buten. In man's qualification 1000 meters farther pass himself Semyon Yelistratov could provide to br br only. Shulginov finished the fourth. Sitnikov Pawel was "removed" in very ambiguous episode. The Hungarian skater the Shaolin Sandor tried to be built in on a path before it. It started pushing the Russian the case, being obvious above and physically larger it. Sitnikov Pawel, actually mechanically, slightly push away the Hungarian a hand, and it leads to falling. Judges appoint revision of the moment and race restart. Verdict — removal Sitnikov Pawel.
In semi-finals of man's relays on 5000 meters where our national team did not participate because of "shortage" of the athletes, in the first running the national teams China and Canada became best. In the second — South Korea and Hungary. The first, by the way, established a new Olympic record. Teams went to the final of "B" Kazakhstan, United States of America and Japan. Dutches — are disqualified. Medal offset

the Five of leaders remains to br without changes: Germany (5 gold medals, 2 silver medals, 2 bronze medals), Netherlands (4-4-2), Norway (3-5-3), Canada (3-4-3), United States of America (3-1-2) (teams settle down on decrease).

the National team "the Olympic athletes from Russian Federation" reserved the eleventh line, having in the asset one silver and four bronze awards.

of Biathlonists are expected Tomorrow by race on 15 kilometers within individual race. Mountain skiers will pass slalom where Tkachenko Catherina will represent our team.

are Started by circular tournament on curling at men and women. The men's national team of Russian Federation at these games will not be, but representatives of "weaker sex" will take part in competitions. Their first match will pass against team United Kingdom.
Golikova Angelina will present to br us in speed skating in race on 1000 meters. In a ski double-event will pass the first draw of medals. There we will support Yakhin Earnest.

Men will go in the two in luge. Of Russians will speak on behalf Denisyev Alexander and Antonov Wladyslaw, and also Bogdanov Andrey and his namesake Medvedev Andrey.

In addition, there will pass the final of man's halfpipe. There our national team as already it was told above, anybody will not present.
Very serious chances of medals to us predict br in pair figure figure skating. There our three couples will act: Zabiyako Natalia and Enbert Alexander, Eugenia Tarasova and Vladimir Morozov, and also Astakhova Christina and Rogonov Aleksey.

In group "B" there will pass final female hockey matches, and already literally in one couple of hours after that our men's national team will engage. It is necessary to them a match against team Slovakia.

Voloshinov Aleksey