competitions "The person of year in the culture sphere" celebrated winners in Minsk

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on February 6, Minsk / BELTA/Correspondent. competitions "The person of year in the culture sphere" following the results of 2017 celebrated winners today in Minsk. The awards ceremony took place after board of the Ministry of Culture, the correspondent of Belarusian cable agency "Belta" reports.

In the nomination "Architecture and Restoration" the winner called the branch director "Brestrestavratsiyaproyekt" Kachanovsky Alexander. In the nomination "Fine arts" - the associate professor of graphic design of the Belarusian state academy of arts Sventokhovsky Vsevolod. The head of the department of monumental and decorative art of the same academy Kiruta Vladimir Zinkevich became a winner in the nomination "Monumental Art".

of the Diploma and a monetary award awarded also the prima of the National academic Bolshoi theater of the opera and the ballet Belarus Volkova Oksana in the nomination "Theater", and in the nomination "Musical Art" - the director - the art director of the National academic orchestra of variety and symphonic music the national actor Belarus Finberg Mikhail. To professor of chair of opera preparation and choreography of the Belarusian state academy of music Yelizaryeva Valentina the award in the nomination "Choreographic art" is awarded.


the Winner of the nomination "Variety Art" became the main director of department of concert and festival work of the Mogilyov regional philharmonic hall Zaleshchenko Tamara. In the nomination "Circus art" - the director of studio of circus art "Arena" (Mazyr) Kuznetsov Boris.

to the Film director of Letopis studio of the National film studio "Belarusfilm" to Igor Chishchena awarded a victory in the nomination "Kinovideoiskusstvo". In the nomination "Preservation of Historical and Cultural Heritage" the diploma is handed over to the leading methodologist of the Oshmyansky regional center of culture Zhilyak Sergei. The winner of the nomination "National Creativity" - the director of Lepelsky children's school of arts, the head of folklore staff "Sunichki" of Staysky children's school of arts of traditional culture Veronika Hombak.


the national master, the head of a circle of the weaving "Nitok" of the Neglyubsky rural center of weaving Kovaleva Ludmila in the nomination "National Arts and Crafts", the director of the State Literary Museum of Janka Kupala Leshkovich Helena in the nomination "Museum Activity", the deputy director of National library also accepted Belarus Susha Alexander in the nomination "Library Activity", the branch director "MTZ Palace of Culture" Kiruta Vladimir Zinkevich in the nomination "Club Activity", professor of the Belarusian state academy of music Dadiomova Olga in the nomination "Pedagogical Activity with Creative Youth", the special correspondent of JSC Vtoroy natsionalny kanal Matyas Alexander in the nomination "Illumination of Questions of Culture in Mass Media".

Competition was carried out by

Organizers competitions act as

, Belarusian confederation of Creative unions.

of Çàãðóçêà...
Kachanovsky Alexander
Sventokhovsky Vsevolod
Kiruta Vladimir Zinkevich
Volkova Oksana
Finberg Mikhail