Mazyr Country: BelarusViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreWe, the mozyrena, are proud of that Mozyr was among and 11 cities of the country for the accelerated social and economic development, and for complex improvement in areaWe, the mozyrena, are proud of that Mozyr was among and 11 cities of the country for the accelerated social and economic development, and for complex improvement in area8/13/2020Helena PavlechkoWe cover by own efforts frontier from Brest to Mozyrya for prevention of penetration into the country of radicals, the weapon3/1/2022Alexander LukashenkoWe, the mozyrena, are proud of that Mozyr was among and 11 cities of the country for the accelerated social and economic development, and for complex improvement in areaWe, the mozyrena, are proud of that Mozyr was among and 11 cities of the country for the accelerated social and economic development, and for complex improvement in area8/13/2020Helena PavlechkoWe cover by own efforts frontier from Brest to Mozyrya for prevention of penetration into the country of radicals, the weapon3/1/2022Alexander LukashenkoWe, the mozyrena, are proud of that Mozyr was among and 11 cities of the country for the accelerated social and economic development, and for complex improvement in areaWe, the mozyrena, are proud of that Mozyr was among and 11 cities of the country for the accelerated social and economic development, and for complex improvement in area8/13/2020Helena Pavlechko1294Region News+21 last week0Media Score869years oldDate of establishmentJanuary 1, 11555:12:21 PMGMT+3375 236Dialing code295Connections+138 last weekPopulation112 003NewsConnections Tree
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