Ministry of Foreign Affairs of People's Republic of China: the ban on import of foreign garbage is an important measure in assistance to development an ecological civilization

@IA Sin'hua
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Beijing, 6 February/Xinhua / - Introduction of restriction and a ban on import of solid waste is an important measure in assistance to development an ecological civilization China. China will resolutely advance reform systems controls behind import of solid waste and to fight against smuggling of foreign garbage. The official representative declared Ministry of Foreign Affairs of People's Republic of China Shuan Gen.


As it is reported, the executive director of the Program of United Nations on environment/YuNEP/Solkheym Eric the other day told that fight China with import of plastic waste from abroad became a signal to the rich countries that they should strengthen processing of such waste and to reduce use of plastic straws and other subjects from plastic in which there is no special need.

Making comments on this message, Shuan Gen noted that utilization of solid waste - a common problem in the field of the environment, facing the different countries of the world. China urges the international community to make active exchanges and cooperation concerning utilization of solid waste and fight against illegal trade them.