The appeal will follow

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- We are glad to
heard our arguments and on one episode Nikita Belykh was justified, - quotes information agency "ITAR-TASS" the lawyer Grokhotov Andrey. - However on an episode with Sudgaymer we are not happy, surely we appeal against sentence. We do not agree with qualification and sentence term. We asked justifications on all episodes.
we Will remind
it was found guilty of bribery and it is sentenced to 8 years of imprisonment and a penalty of 48,5 million rubles. On one of three responsible episodes (receiving a bribe from Laritsky Albert through Sergei Shcherchkov) he was justified.
Department of General prosecutor's office of the Russian Federation in Ural Federal District also intends to appeal against sentence to the ex-governor.
- Court not fully agreed with a state charge position. In this regard the issue of the appeal appeal of a sentence will be resolved in time established by the law, - prosecutor's office in the Telegram-channel reports.