One day from life of the district police officer – 2

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One day from life of the district police officer – 2 " to Catch thieves yes hooligans — it is work for boys", - mother little Choygan Mongush explained. And the girl on road in sports section with interest observed each time how chadansky law enforcement officers conduct in a strong point of violators, and dreamed of this profession.

Today it only in Kyzyl the female district police officer. Choygan Mongush surprises with the choice not only colleagues, but also citizens to whom comes according to their statements. Opening a door, residents, having seen instead of the strong male police officer the fragile young girl, on every time once again ask: "You who? ". Get acquainted, the district police officer of department of UUP and for minor UMVD Russian Federation on Kyzyl the senior police lieutenant Choygan Mongush.

stopped Being in time everywhere

of Choygan Mongush BARNAUL INSTITUTE OF LAW MINISTRY OF INTERNAL AFFAIRSTHE RUSSIAN FEDERATION; BARNAUL YU OF MINISTRY OF INTERNAL AFFAIRS THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION; BYUI OF MINISTRY OF INTERNAL AFFAIRS THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION in "law-enforcement activity". Predegree training passed in the Kyzyl City department where after the termination of higher education institution and returned. The girl is the employee of law-enforcement bodies the eighth year. From the very beginning of study she, as well as other cadets, was police officer. And as the district police officer Choygan Mongush serves the third year.

Every day Choygan Mongush Vladimirovna and her four colleagues serve in point of police No. 5 located on st. of Kalinin, 7 "And". They check subregistration persons, conduct preventive conversations with family brawlers and work with statements arriving in a day from citizens. "It is necessary to be in time everywhere, - tells me local. - I move sometimes on office transport, sometimes on city, sometimes I leave together with colleagues". "And what the car office is not present? " - I asked. Agreeing "to work" together with Choygan Mongush, I somehow did not think what to run to addresses it is necessary "on shank's mare". The administrative site of the fifth local point called by "the top West", small you will not call. It includes all "even" houses on Bay-Haakskaya St., Factory and Student's quarter. Here and now we jumped in the first minibus going in the direction necessary to us, and went "to fulfill" the Department of Internal Affairs which have arrived in the Call center the statement.

Work as work

"It, likely, your family tradition – service in police? " - I was not appeased in "Gazelle". After all it was difficult to believe that winter voyages on a frost and summer on a blaze of the sun for detentions brawlers, swindlers and other violators could be pleasant to the young woman. Choygan Mongush, smiling, told that it only in a family who serves in law enforcement agencies. And not only mother dissuaded it from this work, but then and the husband, however, - only at first. "Then got used", - explained Choygan Mongush. Certainly, on a family there is not enough time, relatives who most often take away the child from a kindergarten very much help out. Work demands full devotion.

While we went in a minibus, the companion told that many citizens are surprised that women in general take in local, and others try to learn phone. It is necessary to face and aggressively adjusted people, does not do without insults. "Here it is necessary to show hardness, it is necessary to speak rigidly that the person understood – before him the authority", - Choygan Mongush with conviction spoke.

the Sleeping seller

At last we reached the first destination – trading house. Here sweater theft was made, and local had to find and interrogate eyewitnesses. "For completeness of a material", - "workmate" specified. Later she will transfer these data to the head of the investigative task force which has arrived to a scene. In conversation with the seller of pavilion where the sweater was stolen, it became clear that there was it the night before, and the woman reported about theft only in the morning. On records of surveillance cameras the woman and security guards saw how two unknown approached to the dummy, one took off a sweater and put it in a bag of the workmate. For the morning after theft they again came "to trade" to the same shopping center where were detained by security guards, and then polices are transferred. Having taken indications from security guards of TD, Choygan Mongush Vladimirovna told that often at poll of victims it becomes clear: someone in general slept during incident, at others dummies with goods stand in a corridor, out of the review. "People in many cases provoke thieves", - the companion noticed.

From her words, the malefactors trading in outlets today, rather grounded, do not steal expensive goods. It is possible to receive for it also criminal penalty, and for "small things" to get off with "administrativka". In a word, owners should care of safety of the property, to install surveillance cameras. "Theft in one of cafe on my site opened thanks to video cameras, it was succeeded to identify the personality of thieves and the stolen cash desk found", - concluded Choygan Mongush.

Communism in separately taken apartments

Subordinated Choygan Mongush a site she considers by

compact supposedly all houses near are. But we ran about on this most "compact" site in one working day much, including on ladders on the top floors. Quite good warm-up. As "workmate" explained, rising to problem apartments or to applicants, she uses ladder flights, instead of elevator more often. "It is necessary to look, whether everything doors are closed, then residents will come running police with the statement - us robed! " - the local specified. The matter is that on its site many residents lease apartments and even rooms, mainly to villagers who for some reason do not consider it necessary to lock entrance doors. It is a lot of and daily housing – one more source of problems, and, not only in the form of noisy lodgers.

As were told by Choygan Mongush Vladimirovna, recently there were many "room schemers". Swindlers publish the announcement of delivery of daily apartments on the website, trustful citizens meet "lessors", transfer them money in exchange for keys. Certainly, they do not approach to the door because the housing belongs absolutely to other people.

the Door to the apartment which the hostess turned into a communal flat, and the truth was open for

wide open. In one of rooms residents told local that noisy neighbors now are not present. Choygan Mongush Vladimirovna wrote down coordinates of the hostess and advised a door to close. "We will talk to the hostess, let moves problem residents, and in the tax is registered, she after all gains income from tenants", - coming downstairs, the local told.

One day from life of the district police officer – 2 Round to addresses

to us was succeeded to visit Before dark some addresses from which in the Call center of City department statements arrived. On floors and drawing up protocols day passed in bustle imperceptibly. In the evening we went to the next apartment to "ward" local "the top West". The way to the necessary house lay through any ravines, in the dark we moved ahead on a very narrow footpath. "Now we to one citizen go. It was brought and to trial, stood on the account after release, on the expiration it removed. And now it again put", - Choygan Mongush explained to me. All subregistration citizens, according to her, are obliged to be socialized, that is to behave approximately, to observe the ordered mode, to work, not to take alcoholic drinks, not to kick up a row. The district police officer is obliged to track it too. Judging by that this citizen again under supervision Choygan Mongush, work with it will be continued.

the Owner of the apartment opened a door, looked unfriendly, but was silent, modest and that pleased local, is sober. She noted that it looks not bad: "Nevertheless the man tries not to drink and not to break the law".

In following "address" were lived by one more man consisting on the accounting of police. "You there touch nothing, it is sick with tuberculosis", - the local warned. It too, according to the senior police lieutenant, followed a correction way, was treated in hospital, to it distant relatives help to conduct economy.

And still whoever that spoke, the woman, though local, all the same remains the woman. There is in Choygan Mongush any warm, almost maternal care of the careless wards. She even brawlers whom it should face as obliges, calls "fans pochudit".

Going to local point of police, my companion noticed that a certain risk in their work, of course, exists. When the first time you go on any address, you do not know whom you will meet, maybe, the aggressive, inadequate person. But costs are in each profession. "You asked, for what I love the work? That it not routine, in it is dynamics, a variety, communication with people, and the most important that I can help people", - vigorously walking on frost, my "workmate" spoke. The working day for it ended this time at 21:00. I, of course, exhausted quicker and closer by 19:00 hastened to the warm apartment with hot tea.

Or perhaps put at all that Choygan Mongush the woman performing man's work, and that the person simply on the place, simply loves work and is given it all without the rest. "So all colleagues work, say, work as work. I like to be the district police officer", - saying goodbye, Choygan Mongush told.

Chernousova N.