New protection of accumulation

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To Russian Federation means of private investors are insured by the state only in case of bank deposits - these savings are subject to compensation in case of revocation of license of the credit organization if their sum does not exceed 1,4 million rubles. Such safety attracts Russians - earned citizens consider as the best instrument of preservation bank deposit.

, however, in the market there can Soon be two more ways of savings with obligatory insurance. It is a question of means on the individual investment accounts (IIA) and in a PDA — the credit consumer cooperatives attracting savings of natural persons.

Central bank Russian Federation (Bank Russia) suggests to create separate fund for insurance funds of citizens for IIS. It is planned to insure funds for a case of bankruptcies management companies (UK), the broker and revocation of license at banks. As well as with deposits, the maximum insured sum will not exceed 1,4 million rubles. Also Central bank Russian Federation (Bank Russia) suggests to create system of guaranteeing safety of personal savings for shareholders of a PDA; the insurance cover is not defined yet.

daily business newspaper "RBK daily" understood as such insurance will be reflected in profitability and whether it will be able to make these tools alternative to bank deposits.

for shareholders

Now opportunities for insurance the savings of citizens attracted in a PDA are limited to Guarantee

, the deputy director of the self-regulating organization (SRO) CPO "Kooperativnye Finansy" Kokhanova Marina tells. "If the cooperative does not fulfill the obligations for payments means to shareholders while means of indemnification funds which are formed specially for these purposes at SRO PDA" can go to data of payments only, - the expert explains.

by data Central bank Russian Federation (Bank Russia) for the end of June, 2017, in the country were 2922 PDA, the sum of the funds raised in them made 68 billion rubles. As they say in the regulator report, as of the end of the first quarter 2017 nine SRO PDA worked at the market, total amount of the indemnification funds created by them made 495,1 million rubles. Thus, indemnification funds cover only 0,7% of volume of the raised funds. The contribution of a PDA to an indemnification fund at SRO PDA makes 0,2% per annum from average assets of KPK.<"39>" Means

of indemnification funds now can be paid in case of insufficiency of own property of a PDA for performance of obligations before shareholders. The amount of payments to one PDA cannot exceed 5% of the volume of all means of an indemnification fund irrespective of, how many the PDA brought in it means, specifies Kokhanova Marina. That is in case of bankruptcies a large PDA his shareholders can not receive the means as on it simply there will be no money allocated from an indemnification fund. "Now indemnification funds, in fact, do not work, in some of them volumes of means are too small, they do not suffice on payments", - the director of SRO the National Cash Desks-Soyuzsberzaym Union Grudanova Helena agrees.

Central bank Russian Federation (Bank Russia) suggested to improve system of protection of savings of shareholders and to oblige credit consumer cooperatives with number of shareholders natural persons more than 200 people to become members of system of guaranteeing savings. Within this system it is planned to create the special guarantee fund which means will be used for payments to shareholders in case of bankruptcies cooperative.

While it is not clear, the guarantee fund what sums of contributions and insurance payments will be will be formed how exactly. At an initial stage it is offered to create fund at the expense of the means which have been saved up in indemnification funds of SRO PDA, and then to fill up it at the expense of contributions from a PDA. Association of means in guarantee fund and accumulation of its volume at the expense of contributions will make system of more effective, participants of the market believe.

After creation of system of guaranteeing savings of a rate in a PDA can decrease, consider interrogated daily business newspaper "RBK daily" representatives of the market. "If the cooperative is compelled to form guarantee fund of the means, it should refund these expenses due to reduction of rates on the raised funds", - Kokhanova Marina explains.

"As far as the rate while it is difficult to assume" will decrease, - Grudanova Helena speaks. According to her, at introduction of insurance the speech can go about contributions to fund of 1-2% a year from base of the raised funds, respectively, a rate I can decrease by the same size – 1-2 items. Now the rate of attraction of financial resources in a PDA is in range from 10 to 16-17% per annum, speaks Kokhanova Marina.

the Financial consultant, director general companies "The personal capital" Savenok Vladimir considers that with emergence in a PDA of system of guaranteeing deposits of a rate on deposits in the credit organizations and for deposits to a PDA, most likely, will simply be balanced. So the tool does not become more favorable than the deposit, the expert considers.

Kokhanova Maria is more optimistical. "Considering that rates on ruble deposits in banks now make 6-8% per annum, even in case of decrease in a rate on means in a PDA on some percentage points, placement of savings in cooperatives will be attractive to citizens in comparison with deposits", - it considers.

Insurance funds for IIS

Central bank Russian Federation (Bank Russia) suggests to create also separate fund and for insurance investments citizens on IIS — individual investment accounts (brokerage accounts or accounts of trust management on which tax privileges are provided). According to the consulting report of the regulator published at the end of November, the system of guaranteeing will cover means of citizens in IIS within 1,4 million rubles.


according to the Moscow exchange, for the end of June, 2017 it was open for 231 thousand individual accounts. By estimates, the amount of money, placed at present on IIS, makes about 35 billion rubles, - the chairman of the board NAUFOR Timofeev Aleksey reported daily business newspaper "RBK daily".


the Operator of special fund the separate legal entity will act, and it is offered to form fund at the expense of quarterly contributions of professional participants of the market - brokers and management companies. Will insure funds of citizens for a case of bankruptcies management companies and brokers.

"Formation of this fund what is the time can occupy

, difficult to tell, but I think that as large players in the market are very interested in it, the fund will be created quickly - within a year or even quicker", - the head of the sales department of JOINT-STOCK COMPANY IK "TSERIKH CAPITAL MANAGEMENT" Korolev Sergei considers.

While there is a discussion what will be contributions of professional participants to fund. Most likely, in the bill calculation of contributions from the volume of assets on IIS, by analogy to technology replenishments of fund of insurance deposits will be provided, Timofeev Aleksey considers. "The size of a contribution can be differentiated also from companies to companies depending on degree of its financial stability", - the expert tells.

for a contribution to insurance fund brokers and UK will take Means

finally from clients. "Free cheese does not happen. The banking system of insurance deposits is in the same way constructed. If insurance deposits was not, rates on deposits would be higher", - director general tells companies "Opening the Broker" Youri Nikolaevich Mintsev.

according to the expert, the speech can go about assignments of 0,5% of the volume of funds for IIS in a year. "At least a year ago, when discussions began, calculations became proceeding from 0,5%. These percent the client will pay. This payment can enter the cost of services the broker or to be specified by separate line of expenses", - he speaks. 0,5% suggested to stop on the size of a contribution and to NAUFOR, Timofeev Aleksey confirmed.

Zolotoy Rog Newspaper, Vladivostok.