The ex-governor Kirov region is recognized as the best lawyer of year

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Nicholas Ivanovich Shaklein became the first winner of this award to Kirov region


of News of Kirov and Kirov region on December 12. In Moscow within the IV legal forum of the countries BRICS a professional community award "The lawyer of year – 2017" was handed over to the former governor of the region, and nowadays the director of the Kirov branch of UNIVERSITY NAMED AFTER O. YE. KUTAFINA (MGYUA) MGYUA (UNIVERSITY NAMED AFTER O. YE. KUTAFINA) to Nicholas Ivanovich Shaklein.

the Post of the governor of the region Nicholas Ivanovich Shaklein occupied

in of 2004-2009.

– For me a great honor to receive an award from hands Sergei Stepashin. The Kirov regional office Association lawyers Russia actively realizes today tasks which face the higher school. The award will be further incentive for increase of level and quality of our work on education of competent experts, – he noted.

Nicholas Ivanovich Shaklein
Main activity:Field expert
Sergei Stepashin