Accountants and boxers win

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play "Field of wonders" not only on television. For example, in business Technical school within Day of the accountant students became participants "the CAPITAL – the show Field of wonders" - out-of-class action which was organized by the training officer "Economy, accounting" Ondar Aysen to Shanna.

Game was held by

by rules of the well-known talk-show "Field of wonders", that is each round was won by the one who correctly answered questions.

Action turned out not only informative, but also fascinating, was felt how passion captured participants of game. As a result in the final there was a student 18a groups Manzanmaa Aymir, 1 place – Hertek Aychek the group 38a, the second place – Mongush Chayana the schoolgirl of group 28a, and the third – Sayzan's SAT from 38a.

However not only in technical school his students become winners. Past week to Republic of Khakassia open regional tournament on boxing of a class "B" of memory of professor Katanov N. F. came to the end. Competitions took place from November 22 to November 24 in sport center "Chemist" of genitive Ust-Abakan. 82 athletes took part in tournament from Republic of Khakassia, Kemerovo region, Krasnoyarsk territory and Tyva Republic. Tyva Republic represented Aynash Tara-Surun from the 10th class of boarding school and Chechegesh Oorzhak – the student 3 courses of the specialty "Economy, Accounting" of the Tuva technical school of business.

during three duels Chechegesh took the II place, having conceded to the competitor from Krasnoyarsk. Chechegesh is the representative of sports club "CSKA Tyva" (the trainer and the teacher Mongush Rudolph and Sanchat Sayan). We wish Chechegesh sports progress and excellent delivery of state exams this year.

Accountants and boxers win In technical school Parents – the people dearest to everyone person, most favourite and necessary without which our life would not be such happy and joyful celebrated Day of mother

! Therefore Day of the father and Day of mother in technical school of business it was decided to spend as a joint holiday. To the actions devoted to these holidays, students prepared thoroughly, after all their parents were guests. Pupils should become participants competitions on the best composition, in poetic competition, and even in song buttle and competition drawings.

Summing up the results, we will note that in competition compositions took 1 place – Kuular Kira from 18a, the 2nd place Khovalyg Julia from 10a and the third place – Ondar Aysen Saylyk from the 12th group. In competition verses: 1 place – Maadyr-ool Mengi from 18a, Khorluu Maria – the 2nd place from 18a and the third – Mongush Chayana Aksay from 13a groups. Competition songs: 1 place - Mongush Chayana Ah-Herel from 13a and Ondar Aysen from 28a the groups, the 2nd place – Chechen-ool Mongush Chayana from 20a, Choygan Mongush from 14 and Dongak Orgaaday from the 20th group, in the third place of honor – Saylyk Bicheshoy from the 11th group.

B competition drawings 1 place Oyun Christina from 20a won groups, on the 2nd – Saaya Christina from 18a groups and on the 3rd – Tyulyush Ay-kys from 10 and groups.

the Holiday, judging by expression of faces of parents, students and guests, was successful!

according to the Tuva technical school of business