To Republic of Bashkortostan three cities will equate to monotowns

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to Republic of Bashkortostan will equate Three cities to monotowns. Residents of the territories equated to monotowns will be exempted from payment by taxes on property, plant louses them also will lower a rate taxes on profit. Agidel, Sibay and gorod Mezhgorye to Republic of Bashkortostan, not entered the list of monotowns, will be equated to them and will receive tax privileges for residents in the same volume, as the monotowns entering the federal program.

Thus, the authorities of the republic intend to raise level of social and economic developments these territories, reports information agency "ITAR-TASS" with reference to Ministry Ekonomicheskoye developments Republic of Bashkortostan". Agidel, Sibay and gorod Mezhgorye we is not proclaimed monotowns because on federal conditions they do not pass. But within our region we equate these three cities to monoprofile structure, and they will receive also preferences, as well as six official monotowns. That is investors can invest in these cities on favorable terms also, as well as in our monotowns" — told in Ministry Ekonomicheskoye developments Republic of Bashkortostan.

In particular, the enterprises which are residents of territories equated to monotowns, will be exempted from payment taxes on property, also for them the rate taxes on profit will be lowered. Soon the leaders of the republic will approve the list of monotowns of the region and the territories equated to them – Agidel, Sibay and gorod Mezhgorye.

Also, by data Ministry Ekonomicheskoye developments Republic of Bashkortostan, at legislative level will be adopted legal acts of the republic of possibility of creation of territories of advancing social and economic developments (TORAHS) of regional level providing privileges on regional taxes for residents of such TORAHS.

Besides, according to the minister of economic developments the republics Novikov Sergei, will be developed comprehensive programs of developments the cities Agidel, Sibay and gorod Mezhgorye, and these territories will be included in the priority regional program of complex developments monotowns of Republic of Bashkortostan till 2025. In only Republic of Bashkortostan six monotowns, approved in 2014. In these cities live more than 400 thousand people that makes nearly 10% of all population of the republic.