Mezhgorye Republic of Bashkortostan, Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShareMedia Score: LowThis year the republic starts implementation of six more projects on creation of a comfortable urban environment in the small cities and historical settlements. Modern "attraction points" will appear in Birsk, Belebey, Sterlitamak, Kumertau, Tuimazy and MezhgoryeThis year the republic starts implementation of six more projects on creation of a comfortable urban environment in the small cities and historical settlements. Modern "attraction points" will appear in Birsk, Belebey, Sterlitamak, Kumertau, Tuimazy and Mezhgorye2/14/2022Alan MarzaevThis year the republic starts implementation of six more projects on creation of a comfortable urban environment in the small cities and historical settlements. Modern "attraction points" will appear in Birsk, Belebey, Sterlitamak, Kumertau, Tuimazy and Mezhgorye2/22/2022Alan MarzaevThis year the republic starts implementation of six more projects on creation of a comfortable urban environment in the small cities and historical settlements. Modern "attraction points" will appear in Birsk, Belebey, Sterlitamak, Kumertau, Tuimazy and MezhgoryeThis year the republic starts implementation of six more projects on creation of a comfortable urban environment in the small cities and historical settlements. Modern "attraction points" will appear in Birsk, Belebey, Sterlitamak, Kumertau, Tuimazy and Mezhgorye2/14/2022Alan MarzaevThis year the republic starts implementation of six more projects on creation of a comfortable urban environment in the small cities and historical settlements. Modern "attraction points" will appear in Birsk, Belebey, Sterlitamak, Kumertau, Tuimazy and Mezhgorye2/22/2022Alan MarzaevThis year the republic starts implementation of six more projects on creation of a comfortable urban environment in the small cities and historical settlements. Modern "attraction points" will appear in Birsk, Belebey, Sterlitamak, Kumertau, Tuimazy and MezhgoryeThis year the republic starts implementation of six more projects on creation of a comfortable urban environment in the small cities and historical settlements. Modern "attraction points" will appear in Birsk, Belebey, Sterlitamak, Kumertau, Tuimazy and Mezhgorye2/14/2022Alan Marzaev1215Region News+4 last weekIlya TerekhovMedia Score: LowIlya Terekhov45years oldDate of establishmentJanuary 1, 197910:55:00 PMGMT+52RUS734781Dialing code43Connections+20 last weekPopulation15 603NewsConnections Tree
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EntrepreneurshipБолее 2000 предпринимателей и самозанятых Башкортостана приняли участие в Бизнес-туре «От А до Я»11/2/2024PeopleCompaniesGeography2.6 minHousing and Utility SectorВ Башкирии приступит к работе новый регоператор по обращению с ТКОRepublic of Bashkortostan10/29/2024CompaniesMediaPeopleGeography35 secReal estateВ Башкирии объявлена распродажа квартир: Цены от 397 тысяч рублейBelebeevsky news10/25/2024GeographyCompaniesPeople46 secEntrepreneurship30 октября предпринимателей Башкортостана приглашают на Бизнес-тур «От А до Я», который состоится в Уфе10/25/2024GeographyPeople59 secLawЖительница Башкирии выхлопотала досрочную пенсию с помощью прокуратурыRepublic of Bashkortostan newspaper10/19/2024Geography37 secEcologyВ Башкирии ЖКХ закрытого города сбрасывало сточные воды в реку без очисткиRepublic of Bashkortostan newspaper10/12/2024GeographyCompanies23 sec
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Volga Federal DistrictВ Уфе состоится республиканский фестиваль «Вышитый Башкортостан»Bashinform10/7/2024CompaniesGeographyPeopleMedia1.5 minSocial policyУсловия предоставления ежемесячных пособий изменилисьBelebeevsky news10/6/2024LawsGeographyCompaniesProducts2.5 minLawМинэкологии Башкирии объявило торги по поиску регоператора в зоне № 4+RBC Bashkortostan10/5/2024CompaniesMediaGeography1.1 minHousing and Utility SectorВ МинЖКХ Башкирии порекомендовали включить отопление в домах 7 октября9/30/2024CompaniesGeographyPeople32 secOtherВ Краснокамском районе Башкирии открылся Центр общения старшего поколенияRepublic of Bashkortostan newspaper9/28/2024GeographyCompanies49 secSocial policyЮжно-Уральский автовояж, день 3 — Букобайские яры и переезд в Магнитогорск9/27/2024PeopleGeography4.7 min