Mezhgorye Republic of Bashkortostan, Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreThis year the republic starts implementation of six more projects on creation of a comfortable urban environment in the small cities and historical settlements. Modern "attraction points" will appear in Birsk, Belebey, Sterlitamak, Kumertau, Tuimazy and MezhgoryeThis year the republic starts implementation of six more projects on creation of a comfortable urban environment in the small cities and historical settlements. Modern "attraction points" will appear in Birsk, Belebey, Sterlitamak, Kumertau, Tuimazy and Mezhgorye2/14/2022Alan MarzaevThis year the republic starts implementation of six more projects on creation of a comfortable urban environment in the small cities and historical settlements. Modern "attraction points" will appear in Birsk, Belebey, Sterlitamak, Kumertau, Tuimazy and Mezhgorye2/22/2022Alan MarzaevThis year the republic starts implementation of six more projects on creation of a comfortable urban environment in the small cities and historical settlements. Modern "attraction points" will appear in Birsk, Belebey, Sterlitamak, Kumertau, Tuimazy and MezhgoryeThis year the republic starts implementation of six more projects on creation of a comfortable urban environment in the small cities and historical settlements. Modern "attraction points" will appear in Birsk, Belebey, Sterlitamak, Kumertau, Tuimazy and Mezhgorye2/14/2022Alan MarzaevThis year the republic starts implementation of six more projects on creation of a comfortable urban environment in the small cities and historical settlements. Modern "attraction points" will appear in Birsk, Belebey, Sterlitamak, Kumertau, Tuimazy and Mezhgorye2/22/2022Alan MarzaevThis year the republic starts implementation of six more projects on creation of a comfortable urban environment in the small cities and historical settlements. Modern "attraction points" will appear in Birsk, Belebey, Sterlitamak, Kumertau, Tuimazy and MezhgoryeThis year the republic starts implementation of six more projects on creation of a comfortable urban environment in the small cities and historical settlements. Modern "attraction points" will appear in Birsk, Belebey, Sterlitamak, Kumertau, Tuimazy and Mezhgorye2/14/2022Alan Marzaev1239Region News+14 last weekIlya Terekhov0Media ScoreIlya Terekhov46years oldDate of establishmentJanuary 1, 19794:46:06 AMGMT+52RUS734781Dialing code127Connections+37 last weekPopulation15 603NewsConnections Tree
Central Federal DistrictВ Башкирии главврач больницы завысил данные о приеме пациентовwebsite "Rossiyskaya gazeta"2/11/2025Geography15 secLawЗавысила показатели на 21 миллион рублей: на главврача медчасти в Башкирии завели уголовное делоFederalpress2/11/2025PeopleCompaniesGeography28 secLawРегоператор объяснил отсутствие сортировки отходов на севере БашкирииRBC BashkortostanYesterday at 3:22 PMCompaniesMediaPeopleGeography1.8 minAccidentsВ Уфе выясняют обстоятельства ДТП с погибшей 16-летней девушкой на переходе2/11/2025ProductsMediaGeography35 secLawНачальница медсанчасти из Башкирии завысила стоимость оказанных услуг на 21 млн рублейMK.RU Ufa2/11/2025CompaniesGeography24 secLawВ Башкирии главу санчасти подозревают в злоупотреблении полномочиями на 21 млнGazeta.Ru2/11/2025CompaniesGeographyPeople36 sec
LawВ российском регионе в отношении начальника медсанчасти возбудили уголовное делоperiodical e-edition ""2/11/2025GeographyMediaPeopleCompanies34 secLawРосприроднадзор в Башкирии проиграл иск к «Эко-Сити» о сортировке мусораRBC Bashkortostan2/11/2025MediaPeopleCompaniesGeography1.2 minAccidentsВ Башкирии 16-летняя девочка погибла под колесами «Лады Гранты»Belebeevsky news2/11/2025Geography18 secLawНачальник медсанчасти в Межгорье стала фигуранткой уголовного делаRBC Bashkortostan2/11/2025CompaniesPeopleMediaGeography58 secSocial policyВ Уфе обустроят парк имени Ленина и территорию у дома ПоликарповаMK.RU Ufa2/11/2025CompaniesPeopleMediaGeography50 secEcologyВ селе Башкирии волки загрызли домашний скотMK.RU Ufa2/8/2025PeopleCompaniesGeography53 sec
Trending TechnologiesMost discussed today51Yandeks.TaksiRating: 33Mention frequency33ConnectionsPlaces122Organizations107Technologies64Events45People23Laws1
EcologyВ одном из районов Башкирии введут режим ЧС из-за нашествия волков2/6/2025CompaniesPeopleMediaProductsGeography58 secVolga Federal DistrictВ 2025 году в Башкирии благоустроят 94 общественные территорииYouth newspaper of the Republic Bashkortastan2/5/2025CompaniesGeography29 secSocial policyЧишмы ожидает ренессансRepublic of Bashkortostan newspaper2/4/2025PeopleMediaGeography5 minLawБывшего следователя в Башкирии осудили за фальсификацию делаRBC Bashkortostan2/3/2025PeopleMediaCompaniesGeography1.2 minPoliticsПо закрытому городу Башкирии снова бродят волкиMK.RU Ufa2/2/2025GeographyPeople24 secEcologyВ Башкирии стая волков загрызла домашний скотFM satellite1/29/2025CompaniesPeopleGeography34 sec