Experience of support businesses is positively estimated at Kaluga region by participants of the ASI conference

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On December 1 in Moscow the delegation Kaluga region headed by the governor Anatoly Artamonov takes part in the VI annual conference "100 steps to favorable investment climate".


her organizers Russian Federation information agency "ITAR-TASS" acted Agency strategic initiatives (ASI) and News agency. Among participants - representatives of the federal and regional authority, development institutes , control bodies, business community, public associations of businessmen, experts.

In the attention center – questions of improvement of measures for improvement in the country of investment and enterprise climate. It was noted that in recent years in this sphere standard and legal aspects are considerably improved, development institutes operate on federal and regional level. In subjects the infrastructure for conducting business activity is created, receiving the construction license, connection to power supply networks and communications is accelerated. Thanks to system of the taken measures, including realization of "road maps" of the National enterprise initiative, for the last five years Russian Federation in a rating World Bank Doing Business rose with 120 by the 35th place.

during plenary session "Creation of the Favorable Environment for Maintaining Businesses" discussed a situation in regions. Experience with businessmen and investors to Kaluga region is noted as successful. In particular, for active support of the agricultural enterprises and farmers. By words Anatoly Artamonov, the solution of this task are assigned to regional Agency of development specially created by their inquiries agro-industrial complex. Its functions include selection of platforms for implementation of projects, their technological and information maintenance, preparation of business plans, search of sources of financings, registration of allowing documents, etc. "As a result in recent years we grow in agriculture rates five – seven percent annually. On volumes of productions milks this year we will add more than 14 percent. The main thing – the structure working at a mudflow qualitatively exchanged, - the governor emphasized. – And today the main problem how to provide with the earth of everyone to work in agrobusiness in our region".

Press service of Government Kaluga region areas - Supreme executive body of Government Kaluga region