Asphalt in "the Suvorovsky town" in Novaya Ladoga will replace with a tile

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of the Power Novaya Ladoga Volkhov district Leningrad region in the micro-mastshtabe will repeat initiatives of the Moscow mayor Sobyanin of replacement of asphalt on paving slabs. Stone will pave road, conducting to the new city square.

Competition on performance of work on square improvement "the Suvorovsky town" were declared on September 29 by Administration of the municipal entity Novaya Ladoga urban settlement of the municipal district Volkhovsk of the Leningrad region. The initial price lots makes 985 827 rubles. For the nine tenth works Leningrad region will be financed from budgets, the remained smaller part of expenditure is necessary on budget municipal educations.

Accurately should cut off 644 square meters of asphalt and to put an onboard stone on its place.
Improvement of the square has to be carried out by br in 30 days from the moment of the conclusion contracts.

Two weeks ago competition on improvement of "the Suvorovsky town" worth 1 123 143 rubles already appeared.

the Ceremonial opening of the first stage of the square "Suvorovsky town" in Novaya Ladoga took place on November 4, 2016 within celebration of Day of national unity.