One - the candidate of science, another — in prison. Where now winners of the Russian and world beauty contests and whether it managed to them to keep the appearance?

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Pochemu-to it is considered that a crown of the Beauty queen — this highest achievement for the attractive and ambitious girl. We looked as there was a life at the beauties who have received in different years the titles "Miss Universe" and "Ms. Russia", and were convinced that the most interesting at the majority of them begins just after competitions. However, there are also tragic destinies.

Irene Saes's

, Venezuela. "Miss Universe-1981"

Won in 19 years, now to it — 55 years. Judging by a photo the last years, Irene grew stout also it to her to the person a little. Saes some years worked with model, and then went to policy. The beauty was the mayor, the governor of staff State of Nueva Esparta and even ran for president Venezuela, but lost.

Baychik  Anna , "M iss Russia" — 1993

Won in 16 years, now to it 40. Malova  Anna solved the life to connect with journalism , graduated from the relevant faculty of Sankt-Peterburgsky gosudarstvenny university, St. Petersburg university or St.Petersburg State University , to and now teaches in it bases of creative activity of the journalist. In 2005 defended the master's dissertation on the subject "Political Strategy of the Mass Media Multinational Corporations in the course of Globalization of Information Space".

Michele McLean's

, Namibia. "Miss Universe-1992"

Won in 19 years, now to it — 45 years. Michel since a year only becomes better and more slender — to such waist and feet of 45-year model need to envy only. It also became the first and only woman from Namibia who won "Miss Universe". Whether it is worth saying that with such appearance she became a TV host. And still it has the business.

Tuyusheva Elmira , Ms. Russia — 1995

Tuyusheva Elmira since the childhood dreamed to become beauty queen. Nevertheless , the girl very seriously belonged to and in 1994 arrived on faculty of cybernetics of Obninsk institute of nuclear power. Exactly there the beauty student was noticed by the fashionable agent and brought her on Ms. Russia 1995. The victory became a critical stage: Tuyusheva Elmira left study and completely devoted itself to model business. In 2007 graduated from Shkolu-studiyu Mkhat. Acted in in supporting roles at film. ("Luster", "" Pickup: I will eat without rules", "the Black Lightning").

Alicia Machado, Venezuela. "Miss Universe-1996"

Won in 19 years, now to it — 40 years. For the sake of victories in Alicia Machado was ready on everything: she handfuls swallowed of tablets for growing thin and kept the rigid diet, without worrying at all about own health. having won a crown, Alicia Machado relaxed – she cancelled a diet, tried to return to a former diet and gained 12 kilograms. After the girl a long time suffered at first from bulimia, and after – from anorexia. Alicia Machado remembers this period of own life hardly. However difficulties were not in vain — now Alicia Machado gives lectures about anorexia and offers recommendations about fight against this illness, telling about own example.

Petrov Alexander , "in M iss Russia-1996 ″

Petrov Alexander literally since the beginning of competition was considered as a favourite. However , happiness the victory in did not bring it began to appear often in the company of businessmen with the criminal past , and in 2000 was killed in native Cheboksary with a shot in the head , without having lived up to the 20 anniversary only two days.

Chelsie Smith, United States of America. "Miss Universe-1995"

Won in 21 years, now to it — 44 years. Chelsea smoothly removed from "Miss Universe-1995" to the plus-size models. But by its own recognition — it at all does not prevent it to act in movies, series, to be to the singer and the TV host, and also to participate in beauty contests.

Malova  Anna , "M iss Russian Federation-1998 ″

Koroleva Svetlana beauty Malova  Anna became from the second attempt. It undertook the first in the 1993rd, but then took the second place. In 1998 Malova  Anna good luck smiled, it not only became the most beautiful Russian, but also Miss Universe" where entered ten finalists presented our country at to ". The further destiny of the girl is unenviable: in 2011 her arrested in New York for a fake of medical recipes on receiving drugs and sent to prison.

Wendy Fittsvillyam's

, Trinidad and Tobago. "Miss Universe-1998"

Won in 25 years, now to it — 44 years. In the 44 it perfectly looks on Trinidad Carnival carnival in Spain (a photo of 2017), dancing in a frank dress with feathers. And in general, Wendy — the vice-president of the state company Trinidad and Tobago on investment advance and development of businesses.

Fedorova Oksana , "M iss Russia-2001 ″, "Miss Universe — 2002"

First won

refused a crown , having devoted itself to study and having defended the master's dissertation on the subject " Civil regulation of private detective and security activity to Russian Federation". Fedorova Oksana in 2009 founded Charity fund Help to Children , to to youth and people of advanced age " Hurry to be good! ", keeps some telecasts and actively is engaged in public work. At Fedorova Oksana happy marriage and two children: son Fedor and daughter Elizabeth. Fedorova Oksana took a surname of the husband and according to the passport — Borodino , however society columnists on a habit present to

Lara Datta, India. "Miss Universe-2000"

Won in 22 years, now to it — 39 years. Besides, that Lara "Miss Universe", so also Indian model, actress of Bollywood and goodwill ambassador of United Nations. Because the girl was constantly on sets, did not allow to relax her. It was all the time harmonous and tightened. But in 2011 she married the Indian tennis player Mahesh Bhupathi, and in 2012 — at couple the daughter (Saira) was born.

Koroleva Svetlana "Ms. Russia-2002", "Ms. Europe — 2002"

In one year Koroleva Svetlana could win at once two crowns — Russian and European. Today Koroleva Svetlana works in the sphere of model business and possesses own brand of female coats. Now Koroleva Svetlana together with a family lives in Riga and brings up three children.