The governor will carry to Strasbourg through an offshore

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the Winner on carrying out Days Leningrad region in Council of Europe in Strasbourg worth 10 million rubles is registered in the Cyprian offshore, but not strongly removed from the well-known cooperative "Ozero".


the winner in on three-day celebration of Day of Leningrad region in the French Strasbourg Became known. Having reduced cost for only 131 rubles against 10 budgetary million rubles allocated for this event, won against the Moscow LLC "TSDP". The Petersburg Company "Panatseya", reduced the price on 400 thousand rubles, took only the second place, and the demand from the Moscow LLC "Krasivaya strana" was rejected.

By the way, LLC "TSDP" won on carrying out the actions devoted to the 90 anniversary Leningrad region in Gatchina the worth nearly 49 million rubles. About the carnival carried out there in which Alexander Drozdenko represented Bender Ostap , 47news told in detail. And last year the capital company became the winner on carrying out this holiday and in Slantsy district. Cost made

According to data SPARK-Interfaks, LLC "TSDP" completely belongs Moscow "to Group Novak". That, in turn, for 43,2% belongs to the Cyprian offshore "Kretlia holding limited" and for 2,4% - "To Rio Limited". In total 4% of the company own Nikitin Yvan and Simonov Igor, and the main share — 50,4% is in property at the businessman Krivenko Vitaly.

JSC Group Novak

LLC "GRUPPA NOVAKOM" owns a number of the legal entities connected with advertizing, consulting and media activity. Among their customers such largest companies as Open joint-stock company "Rossiyskiye zheleznyye dorogi", PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "ROSTELECOM", PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "AEROFLOT", Public joint-stock company "Bank VTB", GARAGE COOPERATIVE "ROSTEKH", and the cumulative sums of in certain cases exceed billion rubles. The attention 47news was drawn by one company — LLC "MEDIA PARTNER", "Novakoma" formally not being a part, but having with this firm the general phone. Media the Partner" in common Krivenko Vitaly and Orlov Sergei own ". The last are a part of founders of the well-known Priozersk cooperative "Ozero", together with such celebrated personalities as the ex-head of Open joint-stock company "Rossiyskiye zheleznyye dorogi" Vladimir Yakunin and Nikolai Shamalov. Let's remind that in DPK "OZERO" giving future president settled down also, and after Putin's ascension his many neighbors in a site held key posts in the country leaders.

we Will remind

, on carrying out Days of Leningrad region in Strasbourg was declared by Committee on Government Orders of the Leningrad region on August 18. Celebration with participation and the vice governor on domestic policy Perminov Sergei will take place Alexander Drozdenko

Alexander Drozdenko
Last position: Governor (Government of the Leningrad region)
Vladimir Yakunin
Last position: Head of the department of a state policy of faculty of political science (Lomonosov Moscow State University)
Nikolai Shamalov
Last position: Board member (PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "VSZ")
Bender Ostap
Nikitin Yvan
Main activity:Wholesale trade
PJSC Rostelecom
Main activity:Operations with real estate, rent and other services
PJSC Aeroflot
Main activity:Transport