Inhabitants of Tutaev Ilya refused to rename the city

@Rossijskaja gazeta
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the Majority of inhabitants of Tutaev Ilya Yaroslavl region spoke against return to the city of a historical name.

we Will remind

, on September 10 in Tutaev Ilya passed official poll public opinion about city renaming. Tutayevtsa answered the one and only question: Whether "You support renaming (return of a historical name) the cities Tutaev Ilya to the city Romanov Borisoglebsk?" .

the Mayor - the chairman of city municipal council Yershov Sergei told that for public opinion seven polling sites (separately from selective) were organized to which more than 12 thousand people came. About 60 percent from them as a result spoke against return of a historical name. So, "the subject while is closed".

by words Yershov Sergei, in 2015 the initiative group on renaming of the city conducted survey of tutayevets on streets and by phone, and then, according to group, about 4,5 thousand citizens supported renaming. Initiators of change of the name addressed in municipal council which passed the positive decision on a question. The idea was supported by the regional parliamentarians who have directed a legislative initiative to State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, and in the fall of 2016 State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation adopted in the first reading the bill of return to Tutaev Ilya the historical name.

However, according to opponents of the renaming, conducted selective survey of the population did not reflect real moods of citizens, and in December, 2016 during visit to the city of the acting the governor Yaroslavl region Dimitri Mironov the burning question was again raised. The head of the region then declared that inhabitants of the area and the city have to decide on this question independently, and suggested it to make in the Uniform voting day - on September 10.

according to Yershov Sergei, many citizens made the decision against renaming not because of the ideological reasons, and for fear that they should change a large number of documents.

By the way

Tutaev Ilya - the city located on two coast of Volga. Its left-bank part once was the city of Romanovy called in honor of the blessed uglitsky prince Roman Vladimirovich, and right-bank - the city Borisoglebsk (in honor of Saint princes-martyrs Boris and Gleb). In 1822 under the decree Pervy Alexander the cities were combined in one Romanov Borisoglebsk with a name. At the end of 1918 the district center was renamed into honor of the 20-year-old Red Army man Tutaev Ilya, lost during so-called Yaroslavl White Guard mutiny.

Sergei Yershov
Last position: Chairman of the board (City council city settlement of the Tutayev city)
Dimitri Mironov
Main activity:Politician
Tutaev Ilya
Pervy Alexander