Borisoglebsk Voronezh region, Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreWith alarm and hope I watch how fight against large-scale fires is developed in the suburbs of Voronezh and near BorisoglebskWith alarm and hope I watch how fight against large-scale fires is developed in the suburbs of Voronezh and near Borisoglebsk9/28/2020Eugenie RevenkoYour city with rich history, with rich traditions. Borisoglebsk – dynamically developing, with the steady industry, the city of young people. I wish you health, wellbeing, big prospects both in life of each of you, and in city life5/15/2023Alexander GusevWith alarm and hope I watch how fight against large-scale fires is developed in the suburbs of Voronezh and near BorisoglebskWith alarm and hope I watch how fight against large-scale fires is developed in the suburbs of Voronezh and near Borisoglebsk9/28/2020Eugenie RevenkoYour city with rich history, with rich traditions. Borisoglebsk – dynamically developing, with the steady industry, the city of young people. I wish you health, wellbeing, big prospects both in life of each of you, and in city life5/15/2023Alexander GusevWith alarm and hope I watch how fight against large-scale fires is developed in the suburbs of Voronezh and near BorisoglebskWith alarm and hope I watch how fight against large-scale fires is developed in the suburbs of Voronezh and near Borisoglebsk9/28/2020Eugenie Revenko12234Region News+55 last weekHead of administration since 2016Andrey Pishchugin0Media ScoreHead of administration since 2016Andrey Pishchugin326years oldDate of establishmentJanuary 1, 16988:00:52 PMGMT+336RUS+7 47354Dialing code297Connections+76 last weekPopulation61 765NewsConnections Tree
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