Ministry of Health: the prices of a number of domestic and foreign are reduced

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of the Price of a number of domestic and foreign drugs are lowered following the results of the pharmaceutical market organized at the request of Alexander Lukashenko. It was declared by the head of department of pharmaceutical inspection and the organization of provision of medicines of Ministry of Health Reutskaya Ludmila.

According to her, the question of ensuring price availability of is on continuous in Ministry of Health. "Work carried out in this direction allowed to achieve steady reduction of prices of drugs. So, according to National statistical committee, during 2017 decrease in average retail prices for is observed: the consumer price index for January — August, 2017 by December of the 2016th made 98,55%" — the ministry press service quotes Reutskaya Ludmila.

It reminded that after visit Alexander Lukashenko Orshanka district to Ministry of Health were entrusted to carry out the analysis of the prices of separate which cost to Belarus is higher, than in the adjacent countries, and to develop decisions on their decrease. Now to Belarus such only about 4,4% of all registered. The prices of other drugs "are at comparable level below (and in some cases is much lower), than in the adjacent countries", writes information company "BelaPAN" .

on the basis of information of regulatory agencies of other countries, including EU, were noted by Reutskaya Ludmila, the difference in the prices of similar is actual and in member countries of EU where the prices of separate similar names can differ several times (for example in Poland, Germany and Norway). According to her, Ministry of Health together with RUP "Belfarmation" developed and realizes a package of measures on reduction of prices of domestic preparations and drugs of foreign production (a number of names) to their level in the adjacent states. Weekly in the ministry hold negotiations on the matter. "We invite producers for discussion of further opportunities of reduction of prices of " — Reutskaya Ludmila declared.

She reported that negotiations with 10 foreign suppliers (producers) are held, including: Sandoz Pharmaceuticals d.d. (Slovenia), Glaxo Smith Kline Export Limited (United Kingdom), Pharmaceutical factory Polpharma SA (Poland), JSC Chemical Plant <10> Gideon Richter " (Hungary), Egis Pharmaceuticals Plc (Hungary), Bayer Pharma AG (Germany), Abbott Products Operations A.G. (Switzerland), Pharmaceutical company "Krka" (Slovenia).

by results of negotiations "received offers on decrease in contract prices from 10 to 60% of Egis Pharmaceuticals Plc (Hungary), by Abbott Products Operations A.G. (Switzerland), Bayer Pharma AG (Germany), Pharmaceutical company "Krka" (Slovenia) more than on 40 names ".

according to the official, with domestic producers also held negotiations on need of depreciation of separate . Offers on decrease in selling prices of drugs for RPUP "Akademfarm", LLC "Rubikon", by JV <5> of JSC Farmlend , SOOO "Lekfarm" are received. "Practically selling prices at the Belarusian producers are reduced for all problem positions" — Reutskaya Ludmila stated.

Intake of at the reduced contract prices in pharmacy network is organized by

in probably short terms, she reported. Ministry of Health in February, 2016 initiated memorandum signing on control of the prices of foreign producers. It provided preservation of contract prices practically all foreign companies in 2016-2017 at the level of the 2015th, and on a number of names — decrease to level of 2014.

Alexander Lukashenko
Last position: President of Republic of Belarus (President of the Republic Belarus)
Reutskaya Ludmila
Rikhter Gedeon