In Germany pouring rains impounded the cities, some rivers can flood banks

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these days go not only to Belarus, but also in a number of the European countries. In Germany impounded a number of the cities, some rivers flooded banks. From the sky pours into State of Lower Saxony, Saxony-Ankhalte, Free State of Thuringia and Brandenburg. In some areas the prevention of the highest level is declared.

Today, on July 26, in a number of regions of Germany which can lead to floods will proceed. To State of Lower Saxony, Saxony-Ankhalte and Free State of Thuringia the water level in the rivers already rose, in a number of settlements in these regions flooded streets and cellars of houses. Firefighters and staff of service of technical assistance of THW (Technisches Hilfswerk) blocked on July 25 roads, extorted water from buildings and did obstacles of bags with sand. Especially strongly Hanover and its southern suburbs suffered.

B the Low Saxon Hildesheim there is a threat of an exit of the river of Innerste from coast. Prior to the beginning of rains on July 24 the water level in the river was 2,5 meters, in the evening on July 25 it rose to 6,5 meters. On reaching 7 meters which are predicted in the morning on Wednesday, rescuers should evacuate 1,1 thousand people which can suffer from a flood.
Now some city streets are blocked, rescuers prepared point of temporary placement for inhabitants, and also reported to them about need to remove the cars from potentially dangerous areas, writes website "Deutsche Welle" .

To Free State of Thuringia at the next 48 o'clock more than 100 liters of a precipitation on square meter will drop out, on July 26 the German meteorological service (DWD — Deutscher Wetterdienst) declared the prevention of the highest level in this earth. For last days in this region already dropped out from 60 to 90 liters of a precipitation on square meter.
In Low Saxon Alfeld is by noon predicted to 115 liters of a rain on square meter, on the average in for all July norm — 68,5 liters. In the city of Artern to Free State of Thuringia excess of monthly norm of a precipitation twice in one day also is expected.

In Saxony-Ankhalte in the east of the country because of long rains the water level in the rivers rose, there, as well as in Landlocked Federal State of Brandenburg, flood threat remains. Earlier, in the morning on July 25, as a result were stopped movement of trains on two directions of the Berlin subway.

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