Scientists presented world statistics of purity of hands
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Zagryazneniye of environment acts as risk factor of many respiratory and gastrointestinal diseases. For example, it is known that washing of hands with soap helps to reduce probability virus infections on 23, disorders of digestion — on 30-47 percentage points. The last along with pneumonia are considered as the main reasons for post-neonatal mortality: in 2010 of violation were revealed at 1,7 billion and 120 million children respectively. However still strategy of maintenance of purity were studied only for certain regions. Thus at the heart of such works polls which results are unreliable because of tendency of the population to overestimate the behavior connected with hygiene lay.

to meet a lack, experts from University State of New York to Buffalo, International extraordinary foundation for children institution united nations (International extraordinary foundation for children institution united nations) and other establishments carried out , received by means of supervision DHS (Demographic and Health Surveys) and MICS (Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys) for 2010-2013. With an interval in three-five years these researches are conducted more than in 100 countries of the world with 1985 and 1995. Into operation put answers to two types of questions: where respondents usually wash hands and whether there is in their house a water, soap and other cleaners (the last asked to show). Unlike a direct assessment of behavior, it allowed to describe ways of maintenance of hygiene on indirect signs.

Regions, which entered selection (only 51 countries without Russian Federation), scientists divided according to classification of WHO (WHO): Africa, South America and North America, Europe, western part of the Pacific Ocean, East Mediterranean and Southeast Asia. Besides target information they also considered the income of families, type of housing and the main (for example, presence of system of ). Results showed that in a number of the countries the vast majority of households does not take special place for washing of hands: so, to Ethiopia their share made 96,3 percent. At the same time, except for Guinea-Bissau, soap possessed 20,8–99,1 percent of the population.

Prevalence of the allocated places for washing of hands with soap and water. Dark shades correspond to more well-founded, light — to poorer citizens / ©Swapna to Kumar et al. The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 2017

of the highest prevalence of places for maintenance of hygiene and cleaners was to Serbia (96,4 percent), low — to Ethiopia. As a whole the lowest indicators were characteristic for Africa, above — for Southeast Asia and East Mediterranean. Opportunities for washing positively correlated with the income. In particular, in comparison with the poorest, wealthy inhabitants Nepal had soap in the house 2,5 times more often. Maximum the dispersion was in Cambodia: means of hygiene 91 percent of the population of the capital and 3,4 percent of inhabitants of Province of Takeo there had. Whereas to Mongolia distinctions between city and villagers were insignificant.

according to the authors, the obtained data pay attention to threat which represents limited access to funds of hygiene in poor areas. So, the highest risk of pneumonia and disorders of digestion is characteristic for Africa — the continent with low welfare in which worst of all cleaners and the allocated places for washing are widespread. The similar picture meets and in other regions, less considerable range of the income: thus, danger of diseases is connected and with a social inequality in the countries. Conclusions works will be coordinated with the review 2014 according to which, in special places 19 percent of a world's population use soap only.

Article is published by

in of The American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene .

Meanwhile earlier researchers reported to

and even harm antibacterial soap.