Krasnoyarsk landowners presented the achievements to guests from Tomsk region
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Krasnoyarsk territory were visited by delegation from Tomsk region headed by the head of the department of social and economic development of the village Cherdantseva Irina. The exchange of experience became the purpose of the visit dated for Day of a field.

Guests visited the most advanced enterprises of edge. "Nazarovoagroanab" which share of production in the agricultural machinery market in the region occupies 70% became the first. Then — the most large-scale enterprise of the region JSC "Nazarovskoe". Here passed the plenary session devoted to . The director Valery Isaev told that the special attention is paid to modernization and increase of fertility of soils. In 2016 average productivity grain in "Nazarovsk" reached 43,7 c/hectare. As a result, from the area of 34,8 thousand hectares 152,2 thousand tons in weight after completion were threshed. For comparison: the volume of all collected in Tomsk region grains in 2016 made 300 thousand tons.

Also residents of Tomsk learned

about experience of creation in nazarovsky school of the agar classes which graduates without examinations arrive in agrarian educational institutions of edge. The majority of them then come back to work to Nazarovo district.

In JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "SOLGON" Uzhur district guests examined a livestock complex of the loose housing contents on 1000 heads of milch herd and a platform on cultivation repair a telok. The director of the enterprise Melnichenko Boris opened secrets of the organization of working process which allows economy to achieve high results for Siberia in animal husbandry and plant growing.

Thanks to economic discipline, profitability of agricultural production in economy in 2016 reached 17,1% (without subsidies). The got profit "Solgon" directs including, on creation and development of social and engineering infrastructure of villages. Only over the last 10 years about 650 million rubles were spent for it — elementary school, the children's sports center and a covered skating rink is constructed.

"Mikhaylovsk" Kuragino district guests learned

B about features of conducting seed farming and production of elite seeds of grain and forage crops, and also received recommendations of scientists about features of use of grades of the cultures cultivated to Tomsk region.

Visit came to the end with visit of the Achinsk dairy plant belonging JSC "Nazarovskoe" where delegations were shown pouring and packing of . The big impression on guests was made by the system of agriculture developed in the region on a landscape basis. When using this system on fields where the potential of fertility does not exceed 15 c/hectare, due to agrotechnical receptions it is possible to receive on 24 c/hectare and above.

"Thanks to competent managing our landowners are absolute leaders from Ural to the Pacific Ocean on productivity grain — the Minister of Agriculture of edge Leonid Nikolaevich Shorokhov noted. — Last year one of the best results was received for all contemporary history of edge — 22,5 c/hectare in weight after completion".

by words Cherdantseva Irina, Krasnoyarsk territory evolved in questions of rational and scientific and reasonable agriculture, technological security and economic efficiency of agriculture dramatically.

"There is a number of elements of the state support which would be useful to Tomsk agricultural producers, and we will consider them when developing offers in 2018" — she concluded.

On materials of Laboratory of News news agency