Kuragino district Country: Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreIncident in the Kuraginsky region of Krasnoyarsk Krai, connected with break of illegally constructed dams] became one of the latest events testifying to such irresponsible relationIncident in the Kuraginsky region of Krasnoyarsk Krai, connected with break of illegally constructed dams] became one of the latest events testifying to such irresponsible relation10/25/2019Nikolai PatrushevAfter May holidays experts recorded a gain of level of hospitalization for 1% in the southern territories of the region. Indicators grew in Shushensky and Kuraginsky areas, and also in the cities of Minusinsk, Zheleznogorsk and Lesosibirsk5/18/2021Boris Markovich NemikIncident in the Kuraginsky region of Krasnoyarsk Krai, connected with break of illegally constructed dams] became one of the latest events testifying to such irresponsible relationIncident in the Kuraginsky region of Krasnoyarsk Krai, connected with break of illegally constructed dams] became one of the latest events testifying to such irresponsible relation10/25/2019Nikolai PatrushevAfter May holidays experts recorded a gain of level of hospitalization for 1% in the southern territories of the region. Indicators grew in Shushensky and Kuraginsky areas, and also in the cities of Minusinsk, Zheleznogorsk and Lesosibirsk5/18/2021Boris Markovich NemikIncident in the Kuraginsky region of Krasnoyarsk Krai, connected with break of illegally constructed dams] became one of the latest events testifying to such irresponsible relationIncident in the Kuraginsky region of Krasnoyarsk Krai, connected with break of illegally constructed dams] became one of the latest events testifying to such irresponsible relation10/25/2019Nikolai Patrushev1269Region News+16 last weekHead since 2010Vladimir Dutchenko0Media ScoreHead since 2010Vladimir Dutchenko8:53:17 AMGMT+724RUS+7 39136Dialing code122Connections+37 last weekPopulation44 556NewsConnections Tree
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