The table tennis coach of the Chinese national team discharged for a casino debt

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the Double Olympic champion Kong Linghui was discharged by

of work as the head coach of the women's national team of China on table tennis after one of hotels Singapore filed a lawsuit against it because of a non-return of the money taken by the athlete for game in a casino.

the Claim against the athlete who won tournaments on table tennis at the Olympic Games 1996 and 2000 of years, was filed a lawsuit in Hong Kong. According to claim documents, two years ago Kuhn borrowed in Marina Bay Sands hotel the sum of one million Singapore dollars for game in a local casino. The athlete returned more than a half of money to hotel, however about 454 thousand Singapore dollars (about 320 thousand US dollars) and remained unpaid, reports Straits Times .

according to Kuhn, he simply acted as the guarantor for friends, but itself for this money in a casino did not play. Nevertheless the Association of table tennis of China made the decision to discharge the athlete of the national team management before the end of investigation on the matter and to withdraw it from the table tennis World Cup which now takes place in Dusseldorf, transfers" information agency "Sinkhua" ".


In the statement, made in this occasion Head department for physical culture and sports of China, it is said that in China show "zero tolerance" to cases of unethical behavior and misconduct from athletes and trainers who are obliged to pay special attention to the moral and public shape.